Subject: taking stock each day

I read a message on Facebook the other day, it said… Are you happy with the way your life is turning out?

I instantly said yes, to this probing question, as it is something I do often.

I let it sit for a while again, and while my answer was still yes, it made me question certain aspects of me over the past day, of who I am, of what I believe, of what I want to achieve, and also of how I act.

I do this a lot.

The answer was still yes.

I am happy, I’m moving forward every single day, even in setbacks, even in upsets and worries, I keep moving forward.

And why I can answer yes so vehemently is this. I know where I am moving forward to.

And while sometimes I may question that place, update, and move things about due to the present journey I am undertaking, that attainment is rooted deep, and with each day that passes I get closer, even in what others might call failure.

The secret to this happiness and goal attainment is all about reflection.

It’s all about those 10 minutes at night and 10 minutes in the morning, the taking stock of your position, the gratitude of so-called bads and goods, the people who you learn from, and teach, the lessons you learn and leave every single day.

But this reflection of how your day went is not as powerful unless it is rooted in those goals for life.

How can you reflect on the things that happen if you can’t see them in relation to your big goals if you only see them as the singular day that has passed?

That’s when overthinking kicks in, the un-surety of life's choices.

Reflection + Goals are the keys to betterness.

It’s the thing that moves you happily from a to b, b to c, and c to f… It keeps you on track of the track, the winding unpredictable track of life in search of the attainment of your desires.

The negativity of not knowing where you are is where the unhappiness seeps in, the days melt together, the weeks become months and years, and time passes.

Knowing you are alive, having goals, moving forward, taking stock of your happiness, learning, and progressing at each stage, a beautiful life can be had on your journey.

If you haven’t already, do this.

Make a goal, write it down, give it beauty, color, reality, then…

Take stock of yourself and your world, be grateful each day for the goods and bads, realize they make you, they build you, they give you lessons.

Look at them, learn them and grow from them.

My question to you is, have you started?


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