Subject: See what happened when this church seemed to be dying...

Is YOUR church growing or dying?

(The following account is used by permission from the GoodSeed publishers.)

Many years ago, a pastor stood in front of a congregation that bore the hallmarks of a dying church. The pews were sparsely filled with grey heads. New believers were a rarity, attendance dwindling. It seemed inevitable that the church would soon have to shut its doors.

In a last-ditch effort to turn things around, the pastor attended a GoodSeed seminar, where he learned how to teach others through the Bible from creation to Christ. 

He taught his tiny congregation through the content of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. While he hoped for improvement, he wasn't prepared for how his church would completely transform over the next few years.

Each time they met, the group read out loud through another portion of The Stranger. While many find this method unimpressive from the outside, it has numerous advantages. Here's what happened: 

  1. Retention and Understanding: Because reading aloud uses multiple senses (hearing, seeing, speaking), the group had high levels of comprehension and retention.

  2. Transferability: By example, the study also modelled the group how to teach their own studies. Because simply reading through a book was so doable, various members of the group began their own studies with ones or twos. Others gave away copies of the book to their friends and family.

  3. Multiplication: When even a few people feel equipped and begin to share the gospel with others, it doesn't take long to see growth.

Several years later, the church was bursting at the seams with new attendees. When the pastor looked over his congregation, he saw a healthy spectrum of ages. This church continues to add to its numbers, with much of its growth coming through evangelism. Regular Stranger studies are still a part of its evangelistic and discipleship approach. 

Do you have a church or study group that needs some revitalization? 

Why not try simply reading through the Stranger on the Road to Emmaus or By This Name together.

Do you have Chinese friends that you want to reach with the Gospel?  

Invite them over for weekly coffee or tea, and read a section of By This Name together.

Here's how:

  1. Pray about and invite 1-2 friends over, or meet at local meeting place.

  2. As you read the book together, one of you reads the introductory paragraphs, and explanatory paragraphs, and the other one reads the Scripture verses on each page.

  3. If you are doing this in English, watch the few video clips that go with each section along the way. (not available in Mandarin at this time)

  4. Be mindful of everyone's time so that it does not become a burden on anyone to continue the study.

If your friend is from a

    Christianized Worldview?

                The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus is best

             English          Simplified Script Chinese          Traditional Script Chinese

     Eastern Worldview (including atheist, polytheist, post-modern)?

                 By This Name is recommended

                      English                    Simplified Script

    Young people, who prefer a shorter text with more pictures?

                Try the "No Ordinary" Series of booklets (English only)

You see, up until now, due to special donations for these books, we have had them priced lower than normal. However, we will not be able to sustain that for very much longer.

Please take advantage of these books and BIG quantity discounts before the price goes up on October 1st. 

Stay Tuned for a special Announcement about AFC's NEW online Book Reading Group!😀👍