Subject: Attractive FREE Resources - Get them NOW for Chinese Gen Z students!

Be Prepared for Chinese Student outreach - Order Now before they are gone!

Chinese Student Outreach 2024

, Are you prepared?

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

 1 Peter 3:15

Do you know when students are arriving? Get Ready Now!

Some students have already arrived on some campuses

… for airport pick-ups

… moving into apartments

… new student orientation

… summer picnics

… new young visitors at church

… welcome parties

Be prepared with something to give them, because you may only meet them ONE TIME.

Order these Young Hub Magazines today!  Keep them in your car, in your home, or wherever you might meet students. Be ready with an ATTRACTIVE and RELEVANT magazine that they will surely read.

Articles to suit the new student, comics to entertain and teach, music to inspire!  It is all in this FREE magazine.

Thanks to donations and this special project from the AFC Discipleship Resource Ministry and Chinese Resource Ministry, we are able to offer the magazine for free. Just pay for the shipping to get it to you. 

Order now and since they are free, order enough so that you will not run out. Use them generously with the new students. They will thank you for it!

There is a limited supply and many have been shipped already. Don’t miss out on this opportunity this year!

We also have many other evangelistic and pre-evangelistic materials to get the conversations about spiritual things started.

In addition to tracts like this one, maybe you would like to put some student survival, and welcome gifts/snacks inside an attractive paper bag to share with those you are meeting!

You. Need. Faith. booklet - Buy 10 or more for $0.50 $0.25 each! (until July 31st)

Other great resources that can be used for a great price are here as well.

Compact size Bible - Only $0.50 each! - Chinese Union Version, simplified script

Don't Miss these either! 

Creation Magazine - Trial Issue - Only $0.50 each - Interesting articles to get a student thinking...Great for getting some conversation started. 

To support this project and future outreach ministry, please donate to Chinese Resource Ministry.

BONUS! - For the students who read the Young Hub magazine, they will find a free gift (cell phone holder) that they can receive as they sign up for the United Student Outreach (USO) platform!

                    Getting Chinese students connected online!