Subject: CMC Global 2020 Early Bird Registration Ends on December 7 2020線上全球華人差傳大會優惠截止日期至12/07/2020

Dear Church Pastor and Leader,      December 4, 2020 

Warmest greetings in the Lord!  

We would like to cordially invite you, your church members and their friends to join us at CMC Global on December 28-30, 2020.  This is an important reminder message that the early bird registration will end on December 7, 2020!

Please check out our website: for information about our speakers line-up and program details.  With great faith and relying on the Lord’s supply, we have kept convention fees once again below our cost so that as many people as possible can participate.  Registration has been open online since 11/14. Please click here to register: .

 Children under 11 are FREE when they watch using their parents’ registration.  

*No refund, cancellation and substitutions.

**You can purchase any group combinations at the Group Registration Link in the website, and will receive a group code for you to distribute to church members and friends to register online after payment is complete. There is no refund, cancellation or substitutions.  The deadline for this group registration pre-purchase ends on December 7.

Here are some resources for promotion for your church:

1. E-flyer in Chinese and English

2. Promotion videos for your congregation during worship or fellowship gatherings:

We covet your prayers as we move forward in our planning for CMC Global online with the ultimate goal of honoring God throughout the entire process.  May God use this online format to reach more people for His global glory! 

We encourage you bring your team to sign up for CMC!


CMC Global Promotion Team









請前往我們的網站(主頁/ )了解更多關於講員和大會節目安排的訊息。因著在主裡的信心和對神充足供應的信靠,我們一次將註冊費用維持在大會預算以下,希望以此能讓有更多弟兄姐妹參加。大會註冊已在11/14/2020開始。


兒童(11歲以下)免費 - 可以在父母的移動設備上觀兒童(11歲以下)免費 - 可以在父母的移動設備上觀看.

*註冊不能退款, 取消, 或轉讓他人.

**你可以在我們的網站選擇團體註冊人數, 購買後您會收到一個團體碼。教會成員可以在各自網上報名時使用該團體碼。但購買後不能退款或取消。預購團體註冊截止日期是12/7。

若有任何關於報名的問題, 請參閱以下網上註冊教程:



1.   中英文的電子海報

2.   在教會崇拜或團契聚會時可以播放的動員視頻:




