Subject: 📖 不要錯過續訂《創造論雜誌》繁/簡Don't Miss Out – Renew Your Creation Magazine Now!

Special offer for renewals



Your subscription to the Chinese Creation Magazine has run out, and we want to remind you to sign up for another year at the discounted price of $30.00 for the year! 


This special offer is being sent only to a select few, because you subscribed to the Chinese edition of Creation magazine in the past.

我們將會在這份郵件發出的幾天後告知更多的人新一年的《創造》雜誌開放訂閱了。若您喜歡這份雜誌,希望您能儘早續訂,並且確保在221日之前續訂,以確保您能及時獲得今年份的雜誌。 由於我們的數量有限,您作為之前訂閱過的客戶,我們希望您擁有第一選擇!

Renew your subscription before we let others know about this Magazine to offer them a subscription. Make sure you renew your subscription before Tuesday, February 21st to secure a new year of magazines.  We have limited quantities, and since you are a previous subscriber, we want you to have first choice!

您如何看待《創造》雜誌的中文版? 我們很樂意聽到您的看法。

How do you like the Chinese edition of Creation Magazine?  We’d love to hear from you.


  • 神秘的歐卡皮鹿

  • 焦點:創造論新聞和觀點

  • 蝙蝠竟然“知道”聲音的速度

  • 花朵仍然是達爾文的“可惡之謎”

Here is a sneak peek at some of the articles in the next issue of Creation magazine:



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Each new subscription will receive one free copy of last year’s magazine!