Subject: Friend, the Ultimate Train Driver Course - Saturday, 6 December

Hi Friend,

I hope all is well with you.

The next trainee train driver course is happening on Saturday the 6th of December 2014.

This course will provide you the REAL insider information on the TRAIN DRIVER TESTS.

Friend, Here are some of the  things you'll get from this course:

  • The difference between the sample materials the train operating companies sent you and the actual tests you take on the assessment day. You'll get the opportunity to do mock test on assessments  that look like the real one. I will also show you ground breaking techniques for getting more than and accurately on the Fault Finding Test, Group Bourdon Test, TEA-Occ, TRP 1 (Glop - I will provide you with real info on the Glop test), Trainabilty for Rules and Procedures Test 2, ATAVT and 2 Hand Coordination Test and the WAFV Vigilance Test.

  • Mock interview - you the opportunity to pitch your answers and show case your skills and abilities infront of the seminar group. A secure and positive environment which will in no doubt build your confidence for the interviews.

  • How to identify your skills and match them to the train driver job description so you get invited for assessments. Many applicants fail at the application stage. This is because they don't complete the forms correctly. In this course I will show you how to use the CAR system create compeling, memorable and punchy answers to the questions on the application form.

  • How to answer interview questions. The problem is most candidates fail to answer second and third line questions in relation to their experience. I will show you how to use a step-by-step system which will allow you to answer and cover every aspect of your experience. And the topics you'll be interview on.

  • Automate your train driver job search. You'll learn where and how to apply for train driver jobs.

  • Free Work Book, File and Pen.

Book and Reserve your place Today>>>

Any questions please let me know. Your success is at the heart of everything we do..

Best regards,


Trainee Train Driver Info

PS: Also I am offering a 25% discount for friends and partners. So let me know if you want more than one ticket.

PPS: Feel free to forward this e-mail to your love ones who may need it. 'You never know.'