Subject: Yours for the Asking

Heaven's Abundance is Yours 
For the Asking
Hey  Friend !

It's very clear that this Babylonian system has many of us in financial hardship these days.  Let's solve that. 

On the other hand, this world has more money floating around than you might imagine and it's hidden in some unsuspecting corners.  The funds sitting in retirement accounts, corporate accounts, crypto, Entrepreneurial millionaires being created by new technology projects and just old fashioned savers and investors in your neighborhood is astounding.  Really!  You'd be surprised.  

But these people are in a quandary.  Institutional returns are pathetic, predators like the regulatory predators, weaponized courts and the taxman have them at high risk and net returns after taxes are not attractive at all. 

Friend my proposal for you today is to help yourself out of your predicament, no matter which category you find yourself -AND- help humanity at the same time. 

Would that be worth at least investigating?

If so, download this 'quick read' document and if we've touched any of the right buttons, just follow the instructions at the end. 

Bottom Line:  We can make this world a better place and help ourselves in the process. This is not a 'Desire', but rather our 'Duty'.   Let me know your thoughts in a reply email. 

Thanks for your attention!  


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