Subject: You're Invited: This Thursday

   Lighthouse Law Club

Hi Friend,

You may have seen the article I posted on our Blog page entitled 'CRUNCH TIME' which I referenced in an email you got a couple days ago. 

Well, it is 'Crunch Time' and we're ramping things up in the law club to get people operating on the highest FREEDOM QUOTIENT possible in the shortest time imaginable. 

No longer is lack of money an obstacle. 

Never before have we had more tools to help you break from from the nose ring which keeps you on the 'corporate treadmill'.  

Never before have you had the opportunities, tools and systems in place to help you achieve true freedom and security in a REAL, TANGIBLE, PRACTICAL WAY!!.  

You're invited to a special web conference I'm putting on this Thursday at 9:00 PM EST.  

Why would you attend?  You'd probably only want to attend  if you're serious about freedom from taxes, banks, collectors, regulations, permits, government control and corrupt courts, etc. 

You might also see yourself building a personal fortress which brings you: security, mobility, increased cash flow, asset protection, private international banking, the PT lifestyle and all that goes with that. 

I hate to say it, but too many of the people in the freedom movement are chasing their tails seeking esoteric results which are meaningless in the real world.  They're wasting an incredible amount of valuable time, money, personal energy and opportunity.   

The window is closing on many of the opportunities which exist now, but they won't exist much longer.   I'll be explaining that in some detail.  It's quite possible you're one of those people spinning your wheels and wasting resources and opportunity which you should consider re-directing so you can start achieving REAL RESULTS in your life RIGHT NOW! 

If that might be you.... see below...   

The webinar is this Thursday night Sept. 07 at 9:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM CST, 7:00 MST, or 6:00 PM PST.

The public is invited and anyone can attend.  It's Free. However it is restricted only to those first 100 attendees who register in advance.  

Seating in our web conference room is limited and this message is going out to several thousand freedom seekers and subscribers.  There will be people 'Left Behind'.  Don't miss out by being slow on the draw!  Prepare now!

Here's the registration link.  Click Here Now

Bring your notepad and clear a quiet room in advance so you can focus intently on what we'll be sharing.  It might just change your life, or perhaps even save it!

I look forward to seeing you Thursday if you're one of the alert few to move quickly to secure your spot.


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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