Hey Friend,
Surely you are aware of the scripture in Proverbs 13:22 which states 'The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous". Today I watched a video from Jesse in BP Earthwatch in which he was recommending that as the traitors inside the USA go to military tribunals, all of their ill gotten gains, graft, embezzlement, payoffs and money laundering that they have stored up for themselves in homes, boats, properties, investment portfolios, accounts, etc. and which have been stolen from the American people, be stripped 100% from them and used for the people of America. Are we watching the Bible come to life in real time? Hmmm... Interesting thought.
I discovered a new favorite YouTube channel: 'Grateful to God'. If you could use some hope and encouragement with positive energy then you will love the video below. Click the image, be empowered and enjoy! |