Subject: You Missed It!

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
Living like a Champion

Hi Friend
Everyone wants to be a champion, but almost nobody wants to make the sacrifice to be one.

I've done everything I can to help you 'be one' as the ECONOMIC RESET starts descending upon us.  I've made it as easy and simple as possible to WIN on the economic playing field. 

I just held SESSION #2 in our series on SURVIVING THE ECONOMIC RESET last night AND YOU MISSED IT!    Whassuup Bro? 

So I can only presume one of two possible scenarios applies....

A). You are extremely busy  and on overload (like most of us) and can't possibly squeeze everything into your schedule. or...
B). You are already financially 'set; and don't have a care in the world about your financial future.  Wow.  Congratulations! 

If 'B':  then please contact me.  I'd like to know your secret and you could probably teach us all a few things... 
If 'A':  then the good news is that we are saving the replays of our sessions so you can catch up when you have time.  

Catch the replays here:

Register to join us for the Live Monday sessions.  Click here. 

Now is NOT the time to sleep and have your head in the sand.
Pay attention, or Pay Dearly!  The choice is yours! 

Enjoy the replays, 


I hope you can profit nicely in these difficult times. 
MMG Financial Services LLC
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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