That is exactly my intent. The truth can hurt but before any problem can be solved it must be recognized and admitted. (See Alcoholics Anonymous)
Far too many people call themselves 'Patriots' when their lack of actions, lack of knowledge or commitment and lack of any willingness to make any sacrifice all say otherwise.
The same goes for 'so-called' Christians. Far too many like to use the 'label' but have no clue what it actually means or what living the life of a true Christian looks like. And I'm not talking about 'religion'. I'm talking about connection with the spirit of our creator who, in fact, abhors 'religion' which is nothing more than another man made device to control people.
This is not a judgement on anyone. It is not my position to judge anyone lest I be judged myself. However, It is a stark and clear personal observation after having dealt with many thousands of people over many years trying to provide solutions which largely fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. This even includes many of our members in the NATF forum, believe it or not.
Here's the deal;
If you like the idea of;
- major 'de-population' aka mass death programs
- eating bugs instead of meat and fresh vegetables
- losing your ability to own a business or get ahead in any way
- losing your ability to own a home or any private property
- not being able to travel wherever you like whenever you like
- injecting poisons and nano-bots into your body to transform your DNA in a way in which you will no longer own or control your body, or
- having your free will replaced with 'singularity' which is controlled by AI in the new trans-humanist (Godless) world of the elite
- And finally, losing your connection to God and selling your soul to none other than Satan himself, then.....
... Just continue doing what most people are doing, which is....NOTHING!
If you seek to preserve all that is good and Godly in our world, then you're going to have to fight for it and start making some sacrifices. That's all there is to it. You and I have a personal responsibility to;
- Engage
- Educate and empower ourselves
- Link up with other like minded individuals and collaborate
- Get Pro-Active in holding public officials and corporate executives accountable to you!
- Sharpen your spiritual sword and learn to be 'Fearless'!
- Help others do all of the above.
- Be prepared to make sacrifices ( i.e. spend time, energy and money) in support of the effort.
So the obvious question comes up....
Where? How?
One way is to Click the image below and follow the breadcrumbs......