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| Free Offer - Only This Week to Act! |
Brand New 'Banking Alert' Video
Just yesterday I produced and published a new update on the state of banking, If you have anything to do with modern, traditional banking, you need to see it.
If you have any 'important' sized assets linked to banking you need to pay very close attention and be thinking of how to position yourself properly for what's going on.
| | Offer Extended...
The FREE Package offer was originally scheduled to end January 31. We've decided to extend it ONE DAY ONLY so that you have THIS ENTIRE WEEK to take advantage of it. Offer expires midnight EST Friday Feb. 1, 2019.
View the packages which will help you the most. Click Here for the Research & Educational packages most suitable for your protection and freedom.
Details on the original offer are re-posted again below... |
| The Banks are Responsible for Global Misery If you truly understand how the banking and money systems of the world work, then you understand why the world has to deal with; famine, shortages, war, civil unrest, division, strife, poverty, disease, physical ailments from stress, divorces, broken homes and just about every ill that comes upon man. Each and every one of these miseries lie at the feet of the bankers.
In law, 'Silence is Consent' and if you do nothing, you are complicit with corruption and human misery. It's as simple as that.
We want to give you the tools to fight this evil, corruption and theft which is why we have this special offer for you to start the year out right.... with the Power of Knowledge and the tools to do something about it.
We are in a battle for control of humanity and we have evil on the ropes. NOW is the time for you to make your stand! Will you? |
This $149 package is yours absolutely free when you order any other package(s) totalling $295 or more from THE LIGHTHOUSE LAW CLUB on the 'Packages Page'.
That's a HUGE BONUS of more than 50%! |
What You Get in This Free Package...
This package contains some intensely powerful information and loads of it! Let’s start with the TOP SECRET BANKERS MANUAL which is 160 pages of inside information the bankers would NEVER want anyone to know. Well, we do! It uncovers their strategies and mechanisms for using the false, fiat monetary system to defraud customers which is only the beginning. It also provides a host of; Strategies, Challenge letters, Notices, Demands and other sample documents to help you confront the fraud head-on! |
What you Get (cont.)... Then we have a complete research manual on how to defeat any and all ‘Debt Collectors’. This compendium consists of 230 pages of legal memoranda, step by step instructions and sample documents which can be used to send the collectors home with their tail between their legs and not be bothering you anymore!
If that weren't enough, we then have proof of the Treasury Offset Program. You’ve heard of the Treasury Direct Accounts and related information, right? These documents prove the program exists and is being used to settle 'alleged' debts when you don't (or won't) pay. Why not use these to begin with?
In addition to the above, if that weren’t enough we top it all off with a nice little bonus in a sample ‘Conditional Offer to Pay in Full’, showing your willingness and good faith in wanting to settle any alleged obligation, provided they….. x, y & z. When they can’t do x,y & z they fail to validate their legal standing to collect. Get it? |
“We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.” Congressman Louis T. McFadden in 1932 (Rep. Pa)
And don't forget to get your library up to date with the latest |
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