What's New in the Lighthouse? |
Friend, I know it's easy to get sidetracked in this information age as we get bombarded with 'stuff' from all angles. It's important you keep a focus on your priorities and that's exactly what we're doing here with this newsletter. I want to be sure you're clear on where we're at and where we're going in the law club. We can discuss these things in further detail on the Members Web conference Monday night. Have a quick look....
We talk a lot about how important it is to acheive economic independence before attempting to do much else. It's necessary to advance in your plans! People are doing well in the CrowdRising program and especially well in the OneCoin cryptocurrency program. Beyond that, the ultimate solution is the Non-UCC process to liquidate the contract trust accounts held in THE NAME. All three of these are worthy of further discussion and we'll be exploring these issues more as we go.
In talking with people, I get the sense that despite the importance of the point raised above, and how important it is to be completely independent from a corporate JOB or government benefits, that many of our members simply don't give this much importance! I don't see this as being a priority with any urgency for many of our members. This is either wrong thinking, being comfortable in your shackles or just plain laziness! The signs are everywhere that the world is in a complete state of chaos and it's getting worse! You can't count on anything and if you're truly serious about acheiving freedom, you need to walk the talk! We'll be spending more time on breaking the financial and psychological bonds which are keeping people from their true destiny!
The Non-UCC Claims Process
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Many of our members who are very knowledgable and experienced with a variety of procedures and processes from other sources all say one thing: 'This process resonates with me and just makes sense based on all that I know'. I know many of you are well along in this process and my goodness gracious, if we can get a few of you to break the barrier, it's going to be 'Katy bar the door'! Our newer members can get a running start on this in the members forum in the category: LEGAL STATUS CORRECTION, there are several topics there with sample documents and background information to better understand how and why we're expecting results with this.
Remember our last web conference a week ago last Monday? I gave everyone some homework to do. Reminder: Research the state statues, the State Insurance Department, and related venues to be able to share with the rest of us in the forum: the codes for your state as they relate to public officials and entities being 'bonded'. Any related information you can come up with will be important. Many entities are doing so called 'self insurance pools' and that's a possibility also. We need this information if anyone is going to go after the bond of any particular bad actor. As the people it's up to us to set things straight! Please roll up your sleeves and contribute to this process. Please come prepared with this and we'll discuss it Monday
Some of you saw that Anna Von Reitz joined our member ranks last week and she has a project well along, to set up a sovereign bank in Alaska. We'll be exploring what we can do to support that effort and be able to use it effectively. She also has a team of non-bar legal and financial experts working on the concepts of freedom and the various aspects of that which should be interesting to watch and possibly benefit from.
Along the same lines, the Mauri Nation Estate is currently negotiating the necessary relationships to set up their own banking system. The Mauri Nation Estate project is one we fully intend to develop and support as an added layer of protection and support to our personal sovereignty.
If that isn't already enough of a mouthful, all indications are that we're very near a global currency reset which will entirely change the financial and banking landscape in which we are all operating under. With that in mind, we'll definitely want to work together as a team to be able to be more effective in accomplishing individual goals.
Brand New Initiative
Understanding how some people have become oppressed with the force and weight of tyranny upon them, I've created a new initiative I'd like you to take a hard look at and give some thought as to how this might best be used and promoted to the public to let people know that there might be help available.
It's called:
See the web page at: http://freedom4all.info
This initiative is a multi-faceted effort to expose bad actors, bring abuse of citizens to the light of day, clean up the courts, provide remedy and help to those in need with a specialized Crowdfunding Platform and alternatives to BAR attorneys.
That statement says a lot and leads to many questions surely, which we can discuss further. For now, please study the web page and just ponder the possibilities for discussion later.
Be sure to carve out some time for the Members Web Conference on Monday. Watch your email on Monday for log in details.
Until then... Have a great weekend!