Hello Friend,
You inquired with us recently about trusts, asset protection and financial privacy and I want to congratulate you for seeking information, truth and looking for solutions. Most people wait until they have a serious problem before they even think about protecting themselves and by then it's too late.
I sincerely hope you are seeking solutions to stay one or two steps ahead of the wolves that are prowling out there who are seeking to devour whatever they can find in: substance, assets, property and accounts. It's getting to be a dangerous hunting ground for those who are trying to protect their hide.
Today's question is: "What will you do when...."
...the IRS or local tax collectors aren't satisfied with the tribute they've already exacted from your hide and they come back wanting more?
...a freeloading customer or competitor creates a situation to come after your business and personal assets?
...your mortgage company and county officials want to steal your house even though you're current on payments or maybe even paid off the mortgage already? It's the perfect house for the foreclosure racket!
If you're not prepared, your life's work, retirement future and/or your children's inheritance could be completely wiped out.
Today, I have one video I want to share which you should find useful.
Please have a look when you have a few moments and get back with us if you have further interest to start a discussion.
For your information The Lighthouse Law Club is the educational arm of our consulting operation and we work together, just for your clarification.
Watch the video and contact us with a reply to this email!
We look forward to helping you 'save your hide!' |