Subject: What Lies Ahead...And How We Win!

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
Panama City, Panama
Hello Friend,

The plans for this world are being rolled out by the evil dark side and most people don't even have a clue.  What lies ahead, if not stopped by those who stand for righteousness and freedom, is nothing short of horrific.  

Today in our Sabbath worship service we laid out the evil plan in a simple and concise format.  We also laid out the path to victory which is not what many would expect.  If you are one who seeks insights, information and a glimpse into the near future with hope and a solid plan of action then you won't want to miss the replay of our message today.  Stick with this to the end.  You'll be glad you did!

Click the image below for the critical message we all need to not only hear, but share with everyone we know.   I hope you become empowered and 'activated' as a result. I trust you will!


If these messages resonate with you, I encourage you to visit our website   Browse the site.   If you'd like to associate with like minded disciples of Jesus look under the Membership tab for the JOIN page and you'll know what to do from there. 

Peace and Blessings to you! 
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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