O.K. Friend
So here's the deal;
today I have some good news and some bad news. Let's start with the bad news...
The satan worshipping death cult which is in 'temporary' control of the planet, your life, your family and your future are doing this to you;
- planning for the next nationwide lockdown which will kill what's left of the economy from the last lockdown, which ...
- will have a ripple effect on everyone to reduce our economic status to grovelers dependent on their mercy, mandates and handouts, and...
- With H.A.A.R.P. causing floods of biblical proportions to decimate targeted areas, and ...
- doing the same thing to cause droughts and fires the likes of which have been rarely seen before, ... - withholding water supplies from vast agricultural areas, thus... - adding to the already manipulated 'Covid excuse' based labor shortage in meat packing and ag in general, further causing massive shortages and permanent disruptions in the food supply, which... - is causing ranchers to kill their livestock in the fields because they can't feed them and they can't ship them off for processing, which...
- is causing irreparable damage to the industry which will take years to recover from, and ...
- are implementing a plan at least 10 years in the making to de-populate the earth (yes you!) with the Fake Vaccine and never ending 'booster shots' they will require to keep your 'Vax Passport'
... and I could go on but you get the point.
So as I mentioned in the Subject line:
Watcha Gonna Do about it?
There are those who will just sit back and say "Well there's nothing we can do..." and they'll go and willingly take their suicide shot to keep their job for a few weeks until they die and ....
Then there are the fraction of 1% who are willing to take action and who take the position that "I'll die fighting on my feet rather than live as a slave on my knees."
Here's the good news:
If you are a part of that fraction of 1% then I have a simple plan for you to make a difference. You need to engage in this plan and share it with everyone you know.
Then follow the instructions from there.
All evil needs to succeed is for good men and women to do nothing.
I hope that's not you!