From the Desk of Mark EmerySojourner At Large |
Hello Friend
This message contains good news and some awful news. Let's start with the bad news.
Diesel distributors in the USA have been given the mandate to cut back on deliveries by 50%. Not because there's a shortage, but because it serves the plan of the elite to destroy America. I won't elaborate more. Our friend from Alabama does a good job at that in his video. Understanding this is a matter of literal survival. Watch the video when you click here.
| The good news is in two parts;
#1 - God will take care of his obedient children. If you haven't been close to HIM lately, now would be the time to mend fences. He loves you and will welcome you from any condition. Visit the World Mission Church website and blog page linked below. Emergency messages would be a good place to start.
#2 - The Community Support Network is full of resources to help you be more independent. For example: Replace your paycheck with multiple streams of cash flow; replace your dependency on Big Pharma and processed foods from Supermarkets; Minimalistic living, Living off grid, natural healing, gardening and much more. Loads of resources for only $5 a month. Can you afford NOT to have these kinds of resources at your disposal? Here's a 4 minute video overview: You can join from the NATF forum, We have a channel inside the forum. If you're not already registered select the correct plan here. https://members.natf.world. When registered, log in and look for 'Channels' in the menu. You'll see CSN Resource Center. |
| Become an auxiliary ministry of WMC with PMA and convert your business, ministry, travel and/or life activity to complete immunity to regs, statutes, legislation and all jurisdiction. Click Here
Train yourself to be a co-creator with God and do what most would feel is impossible in initiating miracles. Be the light! Click Here
Join WMC. Get on our mailing list, share in our prayer sessions, training and help us reclaim God's kingdom. Click Here
Please become an 'Angel of Mercy' and help us provide desperately needed food, medicine and hospital services to those who are suffering beyond imagination in Venezuela with a monthly recurring donation of $10 or more. Click Here
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| | Forbidden Knowledge If there ever were such a thing such as 'forbidden knowledge' these books would represent a good slice of it. Mark has been pushing the envelope for many years. He didn't get a target on his back for no reason. His antics and adventures are not only experiences you can learn from, but you'll also find them gripping and entertaining in the process. He paid the price so you don't have to! Read More. |
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