If you were on our members call last night, this message is a confirmation of some details and a follow up.
If you weren't on the call, please pay attention to a major improvement and change we are making in the law club.
I'll first deal with the major announcement, and clarify that. Then I'll address the volunteer committee(s) and meeting tonight.
New Membership Benefit Package
The big announcement relates to the new membership benefits package. As you know, We have a collection of advanced training and service modules, all of which come at an additional cost and are found in the members forum.
Specifically, they are;
IRS Freedom Course - $299.00 (with member discount)
Beat the Bankers Library - $250.00 suggested donation
File a Claim for Damages, the Commercial Lien - $750.00
Simple CBO trust package with templates - $750.00
Video Workshop - The Previous Taxpayer - $29.50
Video Workshop - The Private Traveller - $29.50
Video Workshop - Escape the Matrix - $19.50
Video Workshop - Stop Withholding - $29.95
These are the proprietary advanced training modules which we offer and manage 'in house'. The others listed come from third party service providers and are not included in the new benefits restructuring.
We are finding that the cost is holding many people back from taking full advantage of this spectacular portfolio of tools and information. We want everyone to benefit from what's available, so we're going to eliminate the additional cost requirements and make these items 'included' in your membership in exchange for a low, one time only, 'Library Development Fund' donation of $150.
By spreading the cost to all members, we can make it very low and bring the benefits to everyone.
This new feature, will also allow us to continue to create our own proprietary training systems and invest in the acquisition of other additional materials and information from outside sources to make available to members. We will also be able to donate to others who are working diligently to bring critical information forward and help them in those efforts.
The other problem this will solve is to hopefully eliminate the many member applicants who come in for a 'throw away' $25 and who are not serious about it at all and all they do is waste the time and energy of admin. By raising the bar a little bit, we'll attract more serious members who will make a better commitment to advancing with us in our cause.
The new membership package looks like this: $25 monthly dues and a one time $150 to the Library Development Fund.
We feel that this is a big advancement forward and benefit to all members and will enable the club to be even more effective and capable in accomplishing it's mission for the benefit of all.
Existing members are asked to complete the donation to the Library Development Fund before October 1st to keep your membership in good standing.
Exempt from this request are members who have already purchased the IRS Freedom Course or any of the other modules listed above. We know who you are and will make a note accordingly. We consider you to have already made your contribution with your previous purchase.
If this is a burden on anybody, we highly recommend you get involved on the CrowdRising peer to peer donation platform, found in the Entrepreneurial Incubator section of the Members forum where you'll be able to generate that and hopefully much much more. Here's a quick 7 minute video if you'd like more on that.
It will take a couple of weeks or so to get the website and related materials re-configured to the new program. So while you and our members are getting on board with this, Admin will be tracking progress and we'll be working to bring everything up to date in the Members Area and in related materials.