Subject: Update

Update for March 07, 2024
Hello Friend, 

If you've been paying attention to my updates regarding our path to recovery you know the drama that we've been following regarding our ministry's relation to John in S. Africa and his ability to tap into the White Spirit Boy off ledger accounts. 

I am well aware that many of us on the outside looking in have rolled our eyes finding the story hard to swallow.  This is so far from the norm, that would be an easy and natural reaction.  Honestly, as time has gone on, and this has dragged out, my own belief has been challenged more than once. 

But several things have kept me in the game to see this thing through.  One of those things is the fact that numerous prophesies are all sending  the same message independently  about the great wealth transfer. This is a theme that is being echoed and is reverberating worldwide. 

Another help in bolstering my confidence when doubts start to creep in has been my daily lessons learned from Daily Jesus Devotionals.on YouTube.  I highly recommend it.  It's a source of strength that is desperately needed when you feel that you have no strength

And I know that not all of you are in line with the above but today an article was released from a surprising source, This story is so huge it cannot be kept quiet any longer.  It's starting to come out into the public awareness. 

This is the article.  Read it for yourself and if you've been paying attention to my previous updates, you'll be able to connect the dots.

You'll also understand that this is life or death for the cabal and will explain all of the 'shenanigans' they've pulled to obstruct this process and cause delays.  They are desperate.  It makes perfect sense. 

And here's a blog post from our ministry which is John's partner. 

The word I've received is that we're very, very close and things are in process and that the cabal is running out of ammunition to stop this.  Time will tell.  Say a prayer. 

Once this is all over, perhaps I can go into more detail for those who might be curious but right now, only one thing matters and that is 'release of funds' so we can start getting 're-hydrated'.

One thing is for sure, when this thing happens, it will change the world and you'll be able to say, 'I was involved in that before anyone knew about it."  It should make for a nice story for your grandkids!

So, I,m still here, trying to stand in the gap for all of us.  Have faith!


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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