Hi Friend,
You've heard the saying, "If you don't like the world you're in, go create your own world" or something to that effect. Well it's clear, that what people call 'the government of the United States' is not functioning the way it was intended nor is it serving anyone other than those who have their hands on the levers of power and money. To the contrary, it has become the anti-thesis of what our founding fathers intended.
I have some great news! You don't need to participate anymore! That's right, leave it! Bug out! Sayonara! Arrivederci! Ciao! See ya! Buh Bye!
The republic of the united States of America is coming back to life thanks to astute, lawful minded, constitutionally adept, freedom loving people who have had enough of the corruption and abuse!
In tonight's NATF training session, we're starting a series of programs to teach people how to re-constitute lawful government in your own county.
If you crave law and order, if you hunger for truth and justice, if you seek lawful recompense and the resurgence of constitutional protections for your God given rights,
....then you need to be involved in this.
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