Hello Friend,
Tonight is a special session webinar that you and all men and women engaged in the defense of freedom need to attend!
NATF has challenged one of the federal district courts to prove that it has Article III standing to operate among the people of the several states. This is a fundamental jurisdictional challenge which holds the potential to nullify the court's legal authority to run roughshod among the people, willy nilly.
We have put them in a corner based on the law and the facts and it will be interesting to see how they try to wiggle out of the position they are in.
Of course, we realize that the entire judicial system is as corrupt as the day is long and the days of the 'rule of law' are long gone as things stand now.
However, by going through this exercise we are raising this issue in fact and law, setting the record and expecting the federal prosecutors and/or court to commit more fraud and crimes in an effort to wiggle out of an indefensible position.
We have them in a corner.
Bottom Line: regardless of the outcome, the record is set. We are doing our part and putting the rest in God's hands who is the supreme ruler of truth and justice.
Don't miss tonight for this fascinating analysis.
Share this far and wide! You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Oct 7, 2021 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: NATF Training
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