Subject Matter Tonight
#1… Committee Reports: Our member committees are getting organized and starting to advance. We'd like to hear just a brief comment or two from each committee Chair or secretary as to where you're at and where you're headed and let us know if you are seeking more volunteers. Committees, please be sure you have a representative on the call to share with us tonight.
#2… Beat the Bankers: By now we hope you've seen the new video posted a few days ago by the same name. If not, click here. It's powerful. This is an important topic we need to focus on to help free people from the yoke of debt slavery. As such, see the new program introduction which is an entirely new Advanced Training Module we are offering to 'Members Only'. You can download it from my dropbox. Click Here. Let's discuss this tonight and entertain your input, comments and questions so please review the overview document and video in advance.
#4… Open Floor Bring your comments, questions, issues, successes and testimonials to share with the rest of us on any topic of your choice.
Reminder: I usually get knocked off the internet with power surges where I live although last week was error free! So if or when that happens, just carry on without me until I get back on. Usually it's for only a short period. I'll keep it in Q&A mode, but that requires that you mute your mic or phone (*6) to eliminate background noise. Please help with that.
See you later!
P.S. for new members: if you can't make it, all web conferences are recorded and posted in the Forum so you never have to miss a thing!