Hello Friend,
Let's come together and pray for things to be on earth as they are in heaven.
We're building the Ecclesia and Embassy of Heaven to be a refuge when people finally are able to 'Come Out of Her' as per Revelations 18:4. This will also be our protection from government task masters and tyrants and their corrupt courts.
Today we'll be discussing the immediate needs we have for volunteers and how we start building our Embassy for the Kingdom of Heaven. We'll also handle your questions and comments as we move forward.
When logging in be prepared with the meeting ID 819 8476 9570
If you are not making it to our live sessions on Saturday morning, it's a shame because you're missing a lot! You most definitely need to keep up with the replays found on the WMC Blog Page
You can also keep informed with insights and training on our new YouTube Channel called KINGDOM AMBASSADORS. We're posting great information there. Here's the link:
Join us this morning using the link below.
WMC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: WMC Prayer & Study Session
Every week on Sat,
11:00 AM EST 10:00 AM CST 9:00 AM MST 8:00 AM PST Meeting ID: 819 8476 9570 Passcode: 855216 ---