- in the context of COMMUNITY SUPPORT NETWORK, and
- in the context of STRATEGY 2020, and
- specifically in the context of COMING OUT OF BABYLON, and
- more specifically on building communities of support in doing so, and
- even more specifically on using alternate means of exchange i.e. payment systems, currency, transfers of value and wealth building 'outside' the controlled financial system.
CSN members are encouraged to come and bring your guests and contacts. We'll be effectively troubleshooting some of the more common mental blocks your people have and providing you with solutions to overcome those.
Everyone else who is concerned about ID2020, the fiat currency collapse, the banking collapse, the new highly controlled 'Fed Coin' and government issued digital wallet which they will create and give to 'everybody' in order to control the planet....need to participate in this discussion.
Time is short. Make the best of it!
Topic: Alternative currency systems
Time: Thursday Jul 30, 2020
8:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Thu, until Sep 3, 2020, 6 occurrence(s)
Jul 30, 2020 08:00 PM
Aug 6, 2020 08:00 PM
Aug 13, 2020 08:00 PM
Aug 20, 2020 08:00 PM
Aug 27, 2020 08:00 PM
Sep 3, 2020 08:00 PM
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