It Finally Happened
Well, our channel has been growing at a steady pace all this time. To each video we add keywords and tags and these are fed into the system so that when people are searching for that, or related subject matter, or they watch other videos of a similar genre, our videos would routinely be 'recommended' in the list you see on the right column whenever you watch a video. This has been our prime source of growth for the last several years and the rate was seeing increasing growth as we kept adding more and better content. Well, until just recently.
As you know, all good things must come to an end. Today in the age of censorship, the world manipulators can't have too much truth getting out there and thus the 'recommendations' of our videos has come to a full stop. Our channel growth has nearly come to a full stop.
I hear of other channels having 'subscribers' mysteriously being 'unsubscribed'. I haven't been tracking that so I can't say if it's happening here or not. You can check yourself if you are a subscriber to the channel.
In any event, the thought police have deemed our content too 'dangerous' for the frail minds of the general public and our channel has been 'set aside' and deemed 'no longer worthy' of participating at the table of the free market (if there ever was such a thing).
The only way to combat this is for you to; a) double check your subscription status, and b) share the links of your favorite videos with others.
Maybe you don't care too much about 'THE LIGHTHOUSE'. But do you care about truth and freedom? Like Trump said the other night, to paraphrase, "maybe you don't like me too much, BUT.... you gotta vote for me!" He was right.
Frankly, I love the guy, even his arrogant attitude. This world is full of wimps and PC pussies. You gotta love a guy with real 'cajones' who puts himself on the line for others and without that ego, he wouldn't be who he is. Love it!
Get proactive and ba a part of saving freedom for this world. That's what it comes down to. |