Run for the Border - Year End Promotion
You see how this works, right? U.S. Inc. offers all these wonderful benefits to attract people who then willingly step up onto the corporate treadmill, shackles are firmly put into place and thus they/we are indentured for life to serve the corporate masters. The very same thing happened to all of us. There is essentially no difference. OK. So these poor suckers don't understand that. But you do! There are so many reasons for productive, creative and hard working people to consider heading south over the border in the other direction I could write a book on that alone. Maybe I will someday.
Perhaps you are not quite ready, willing or able to go physically yourself. The timing just isn't right for whatever reason. BUT you CAN send your patrimony, your retirement, your future legacy over the border into a 'safe haven' where it won't be monitored, regulated, taxed, garnished or seized. That would surely be a step in the right direction and in view of the article above, the timing couldn't be better!
Here's how you do that. You start with the Global Entrepreneur membership and set up your alternative to the corrupt banks. Read More
Speaking of good timing, between now and December 20 we're running a special promotion to save you a nice little wad of cash for being proactive and getting your Global Entrepreneur international trust and Private Account Management (PAM) system set up and functional for the turbulent times which lurk in the new year ahead.
For our existing Full members (Constitutional Commandos) who wish to upgrade, your upgrade investment is $2550. When you do that during our promotion, $550 from the $2550 will be allocated as cash in the PAM account to start your savings. That's a full bonus of $550.
If you are not yet a member, we'll allocate $1000 from the Global Entrepreneur membership investment to your PAMS account as a cash balance to help you start your own safe haven nest egg. That's a full $1000 bonus!
Like I said, your timing couldn't be better!
To do more due diligence on this subject matter we have a complete series of 8 videos to dig into the reasons why this is such a powerful package and it will answer most if not all of your questions. Go to our PRIVATE ASSET MANAGEMENT video series here. We also have several stand alone videos on our YouTube channel which you'll find pertinent. Look for the FINANCIAL PRIVACY playlist.
Freedom starts here!