This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,
I feel that this week's edition is especially important (but then aren't they all?). I hope you can give it the proper attention. |
| New Social Media Platforms
You know what's going on with the big media social platforms right? Alliances with the communist Chinese, selling your data, opening doors to spies, censoring and deplatforming conservative voices etc. Yeah, that stuff. In view of the trends, here is what we are doing and what we have already done.
1. We've already shut down all activity in Farcebook several months ago. I refuse to help them create ad revenue using my activity. Done. 2. I shut down my Twitter account over a year ago. Don't look for us there. 3. YouTube hasn't bothered us at all, like they have others, but the writing is on the wall. We're being pro-active and establishing a presence on several other video platforms. You might make a note of the following:
On VIMEO you'll find many of the free videos we have on YT plus our more advanced VIDEO WORKSHOPS which provide in depth training on various issues. You can rent these workshops for a period of time, or purchase them for download. These are jewels.
You can find us on which is a project by Mike Adams the Health Ranger. They don't give us a channel url yet. You'll have to do a search.
What you see here is that we're anticipating a problem and being pro-active by solving it before it happens, which is exactly what you should be doing with your personal, business and financial affairs! Hint. Hint.
| | Tell the Spies, Hackers and Goons to 'Bug-Off'!
How would you like a cell phone which would allow you to completely disconnect all external signals EXCEPT for the person you were talking to on a secure encrypted channel?
What if this cell phone was also able to be your own private bank as an external, offline, cold storage wallet for your crypto-currencies?
And what if this cell phone had a long list of other security features which would allow you to take control of your privacy, your life and tell the NSA and global spies, hackers and police just to 'Leave me the **** alone!?
If you like the idea, this is one more reason to be a part of THE BITCLUB NETWORK which we've discussed already for other reasons. If you're not involved, you need to be!
Let me know if you'd like to know more. |
| | You've been given a very special, precious and potentially life saving Gift! and put it to work for you!
You don't want to miss this. It's important! |
| | | |  | While we did receive some positive comments about this video and the underlying project, I have to say honestly that I'm a bit dismayed that even those with the positive comments did not go any further to offer any kind of support or contribution to the cause. This is not a 'research' project or political cause, or fat citizen journalist which people seem glad to support. Here we have people and desperate animals literally dying in the street, or unmedicated in hospitals that are lucky to just keep running water on. If you've seen the video, you know that the doctors in hospitals often rely on 'us' to bring them desperately needed medicine which saves lives! I don't know of anywhere else where one person can have such a direct and dramatic impact on the lives of others. We've had now nearly 1800 views of the video and apparently it's also been nearly 1800 viewers who've said, 'Yeah, sad. Too bad' and then went on about their business. Have our hearts grown so cold? I fear the day that I should ever reach that point. Where is the love that people should have for each other? If you missed the video or would like to see it again, click the thumbnail image. We've recently added spanish subtitles for the spanish speaking world. If you'd like to help save lives and support the project in any way, think about how you're spending your money this week and see how easy it would be to divert just a little of that to make a huge difference for someone's life, Click Here. |
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