Subject: This Week in the Lighthouse

Things are Coming to a Head
Hi Again Friend, 

By virtue of your subscription to this newsletter it's a pretty safe bet to say that you are likely well informed on many matters.  Probably better informed than 95% of the dummies walking the streets.  That puts you in a unique position to do one of two things, or both.  Those would be to; A) Take action to set yourself apart from the brainwashed masses and to rise above the problems that ignorance causes, and/or B) help make this world a better place by sharing and spreading the truth, reality and what can be done about it for everyone's benefit.  Actually, that's quite a bit of responsibility, and opportunity.  I hope you're up to it!   Here's what we have for you this week.
If you are in the USA and run into a 'wall' blocking your access, no worries. We have a simple solution. Just ask about it with a reply to this email. 

To do more due diligence on this, here is a resource page with great info for all.
Indisputable Proof that you are a slave

I've just put up a blog post article that everyone needs to read and do further research on so that they are 'Fully Informed' and can see their world for what it really is.  Bear in mind that this is not 'gloom and doom' but merely a wake up call to reality and, as always, we don't just talk about the problem like most do.  We provide clear cut and effective  solutions. 

This article should be quite helpful for you in getting through to those close to you who think you're crazy because you understand what's going on and they don't! 

Read the article and please share the link far and wide.  Click Here

The Odds Are...

Statistics clearly tell us that you are likely not the least bit prepared for retirement, emergencies, or a secure financial future whatever your age. 

Common sense clearly tells us that without pro-active planning and the execution of a solid plan, the future for many is likely to be one of stress and despair. 

Experts tell us that due to A.I. within 5 years 50% of the jobs that exist today, will no longer exist.  Where does that put you?  

For these reasons and more, a number of us have come together and created our private investment club to help address these issues and provide some hope for the future so that we are not adversely affected by the trends which are in process now whether we like it or not. 

If you missed it when I announced it last week, I put a video together to address these issues.  You can see it here if you haven't already.  

Are You Going? 

Last year I tried to get tickets at the last minute and wasn't able to.  Attendance was around 1500 freedom
thinkers.  Estimates are that attendance will double this year to 3000.  Freedom is a trend which is catching on and you won't find a more important gathering of like minded individuals, solutions, freedom related technology and related material, people and programs anywhere else.  I'm making my arrangements early. 

One reason to go, in addition to all the others, is that I'll be unveiling the next book in my ONE FREEMANS WAR series and it will be a detailed, 'How to' manual wrapped up in an entertaining story of my international exploits as a PT which you've never heard before.   I'll be unveiling it at my presentation at the TDV Investment Summit which runs side by side to the Keynote Anarchapulco event.  Make plans now and we can meet in Acapulco! 

That's all for now.  Have a great weekend! 


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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