This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,
I wanted to get this out to you so you can keep abreast of all the activity going on over on our side of the lake! I think some of these items may be of interest to you, so here they are... |
| New Video
We got a huge response from our 'Blockbuster' Web Conference a couple of weeks ago wherein we discussed how to bring a case of severe injustice, torture, denial of due process, etc. to the IACHR. This video is Part I of II in which I give a more concise, better quality presentation without the gaps we had from a bad internet connection during the conference. This pretty well covers the key points. Part II will be our recommendations for submitting a case and I know many folks have cases they'd like to present. This is a proven approach. I personally know people who've had travesty cases reversed and damages awarded thanks to the IACHR. It'll be good to know about it whether you have a case or not. Finally, there may be a way to supercede the corrupt system, get justice and receive reparations! Here's the link to the video just posted late last night. Look for Part II early next week.
| | New Investment Club Launches
We've finally launched the Lighthouse Investment Club. Everyone is invited. In view of the news above, it couldn't be any better timing! It's funny how God's plan is always better than mine! Let's do a quick review why you might want to consider this.
- Many people don't have much to invest
- Many opportunities have minimums too high for small investors to reach.
- This leaves many 'out of the loop' on the best opportunities.
- Small investors don't have enough to work with to 'diversify' and spread risk. They could easily get involved in a bad investment with all they had, and lose it all. This discourages further attempts to invest and the result is that these people end up with little to nothing built up over a lifetime of work.
- Networking with other members and discussing various opportunities builds knowledge and confidence with inexperienced investors.
- In a club one can contribute a small amount into the overall club pool/portfolio and instantly achieve diversification to spread risk.
- Being a member of a club with others can bring the better opportunities within reach so all members can access the better opportunities.
- A club is self governed and every member has a voice, a vote and can volunteer to help manage the club.
We already have a 'High Value' case for IACHR which we're considering funding which is being spearheaded by an attorney who has already used the IACHR to win his own case. This will not happen in most cases, so this is a rare opportunity to have him working with us. The damages in the case exceed $100 million. Let's just use that for round numbers. To play with some numbers Let's just say that 'IF' the club greased the wheels with $10k to put the case on hot rails to seek those damages/reparations, and the club got a favorable ruling, and then had previously negotiated a 15% share of those 'reparations', and the case settled out of court for only 25% of the claim, the settlement would be $25 million. Under those circumstances the club's end would be $3,750,000. Again, those are purely hypothetical figures to 'play with' and are not promised or expected at this time. We're just framing the discussion and debate within the club.
Let's just say we had to fund 5 cases to get one successful like that which is entirely possible. The numbers still work very nicely.
That's only one of many things the club will be reviewing and discussing and ultimately delving into to create what we hope to be a very nice portfolio which will help many people catch up on the retirement 'They don't have!'
| Book Giveaway
Are you participating in our book giveaway yet? I'm trying to give away 100,000 of my books. Will you help? Here's how it works.
You sign up to get our Free Report called:
The link to the report gets delivered to your inbox, no-strings-attached. You just opt in to our Book Giveaway system where you'll be given your own personal link to share and give away only 3 Free Reports like you just got. And it's a valuable report which will get people thinking.
Our system tracks the give-aways automatically and when 3 of your referrals have accepted the free report from your link, it then delivers the book to you automatically. It's a great way to spread the truth, create some real value for your friends, family and associates and in the process it helps us spread our reach around the world with a viral marketing effort. I love it when everybody wins! And not a penny is spent by anyone! (except me to invest in this system)
It doesn't get any better than that. If you haven't joined us yet, NOW is your opportunity. Click Here
Friend, we're gaining ground on the battlefield for freedom and prosperity. Thanks for your support and together, let's keep pushing the enemy back to where he belongs. We must do our part, and God will do the rest for us!
Many blessings!
Mark - over and out. |