'Your Roadmap'
People are easily overwhelmed by the volume of information we have available for members. Add to that everything else that's on YouTube and all over the internet and the probability is that most people can be very easily distracted and confused and end up wasting a lot of time getting nowhere. It's an occupational hazard for true freedom seekers.
I'm going to make it easy for you and boil it all down for your right here. Time is short. We need to get to the serious 'nut cuttin'. Here's what you need to do and the order you need to do it in.
1. Cash Flow. You need sufficient cash flow to live and prosper 'on your own'.
2. Having accomplished that, Fire your boss. You can never be free from the IRS or other forms of government control if you're living on a paycheck which requires that you have a bank account in your own name to cash, government forms on file, etc. etc.
3. Eliminate Debt. The borrower is slave to the lender. Enough said.
4. Eliminate state registrations, licenses. They are all based on fraud. Explore new concepts for alternative ID and learn how to 'Disappear in Plain Sight'.
5. Be prepared to defend your position if ever hauled into court or whenever confronted by authorities.
6. Increase the sources of your cash flow. Your target should be at least $10,000 a month which is a very reasonable goal if you have the correct perspective and mindset. I'll deal with this subject more next week.
7. Learn to live and function through private trusts and the bank accounts which those trusts may or will have. This item actually could be listed as #1 so that all forms of cash flow, flow through or to this entity and not yourself personally.
8. Start diversifying cash and asset holdings into a portfolio of 'alternative' assets and start to minimize your exposure to traditional banking.
9. Internationalize your life. Create options and firewalls for yourself, your finances, your legal health and overall freedom!
10. Enjoy Life and share your blessings with others!
You're done! You can expect to take perhaps 2 to 3 years to accomplish this. It's not going to happen overnight. But it will happen quicker than you think if you spend some time every day and advance, day by day. The days fly by quickly!
Take a look at these 10 simple steps above and you can relish the decision you made to become a Constitutional Commando member or next to nothing compared to the value.
Now, would you be surprised if I told you that you have everything you need to accomplish the above right here in your little old, silly law club membership?
As a C.C. member you now have all of our new and old packages listed very plainly where you can access them for NO ADDITIONAL COST! The exceptions are D-102, D-103, D-104, E-102, E-103 which are the trust packages, Global Entrepreneur membership and new Global Entrepreneur Financial Summit (tba).
You'll find all the new and old packages in the < Members Area > Advanced Training Libraries.
Now, the only thing left for you to do is to 'make it happen' and become your own living testimonial and lead others merely by your own example and accomplishments.
You've got just a little over half a year to make serious headway!
Get busy!