This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,
Can you believe it? Another week is passing us by! I hope you accomplished some of your goals and gained some new ground. I sure did. Things are always moving here. In fact, let me share my simple philosophy on life with you here, right now. It's amazing and it works...
I work my ass off non-stop. I only have so many heartbeats on this earth and it's my responsibility to use each one judiciously. I'm a man with a mission. At the same time, and in the process, I'm given wonderful opportunities to pause, reflect, enjoy not only the wonder of God's creation but also the abundance of HIS blessings both great and small. And if you have a keen eye, no matter your current condition from a 'worldly standpoint' you'll see wonder and abundance in simple things such as the grass and the insects around you, the trees, the animals.
One of my favorite things to do is to find some lowly employee somewhere who's obviously bored if not outright disgusted and just going through the motions of their job with a scowl on their face. I like to do or say something goofy, or compliment them, anything to make them smile and change their mood. You might be aware that just the simple physical act of smiling has a deeper, spiritual impact on people. Try it sometime. Maybe you already do. It's fun!
So in the spirit of being in harmony with all that's good in this world, I have some interesting tidbits for you this week. Check them out. |
Fold the Circus Tent and Walk Away from Court. I made a post in the members forum this week you might want to read. It relates to the charade of the courts being little more than administrative tribunals managing the estate (you and your stuff) for the Church of Rome. I know that you're aware of much of this already but this article I thought did a good job painting a good part of the big picture and how we all need to COME OUT!
In the same theme, If you have my book ONE FREEMANS WAR you know that there is an appendix which is a collection of biblical scriptures all supporting the theme to COME OUT OF BABLYON.
I encourage you to read the article in the forum found on Main Forum>Legal Research & the Courts>Courts & Procedure Study Group>Collapse the Trust in Court and Walk Away.
I'd be happy to see what you have to say about it and what more our members might be able to add.
By the way, while you're in the forum, please go to Members News>Welcome Mat and give a warm welcome to some of our newer members who've introduced themselves with enthusiasm and excitement. I can say with a fair level of certainty that you haven't been doing that. It's kind of like being invited to a party where you only know the host who invited you and upon arrival everyone there just ignores you. Not very nice. Just sayin'...
Let's start working together and supporting each other a little more. This is 'Our' community and it is what we make it!
| | How would you like to live in Panama?
We have some major developments forming on several fronts in the background which are going to move THE LIGHTHOUSE LAW CLUB and related activities to the next level and perhaps beyond. As our recent efforts are getting noticed and gaining some real traction, we're gearing up to start handling some major new member inflows and some substantial asset management and supporting activity to go along with that. We're going to need professional competent help (extremely rare in Panama). This might be your chance to 'bug out' and make that change in your life that will really make a difference.
Here's what you are likely to expect: - a cut in pay
- little to no benefits, and...
- new friends, freedom and fun in a new Panama lifestyle which will more than double your current overall happiness and contentment in life which the French would call 'joie de vivre'!.
Here's what we're looking for;
- Administration: detail oriented people who can grasp complex but logical processes, proofread, assure quality control of work product and be productive and results oriented.
- Art, Graphics & Media: skilled with graphic arts programs, audio & video production & editing, creation of advertising material and knowledgable of publishing venues on the internet.
- Sales: Sales closers who love phone work, helping people, solving problems and making money.
- Marketing: Developing marketing strategies directed towards specific target markets, executing the plan, testing, measuring the metrics, refining and improving numbers all based on measurable results.
- Customer Service: providing the guidance and solutions oriented results to handle new member intake and orientation, to solve member issues and address their needs.
- Copywriters: Advanced thinkers who are knowledgable in our field of endeavor and who are able to professionally express themselves in the written word to convey themes, issues and concepts succinctly but with a flourish while maintaining a solid command of good grammar and an above average vocabulary.
- IT: Information Technology tech(s) to maintain hardware, software, program integrations, communications, security, networking and more.
It is possible that some positions may be able to work remotely via virtual office, at least for a time without the need to relocate. But our ultimate goal is to have the majority of our team in the same geographic location.
If you might be interested, please send a professional cover letter expressing what your professional interest is, why you'd like to live in Panama and why you feel you'd be qualified for consideration, along with a separate list of accomplishments in the field of interest. (we don't care about your resume, only what you've accomplished and/or samples of your work product).
You can address the letter to:
Mark Emery c/o World Mission Foundation World Trade Center, #804 Calle 53, Bella Vista Panama City, Panama
And send it via email to:
Alright. I've given you the starting pistol. Will you pull the trigger? 3...2....1...?
Que tengas buen fin de semana!