Hi Friend,
I hope all is well with you.
I had a question in Skype today from a member who was wondering how to get the value he paid for from the membership. And I'd like to ask you the same question... how are you getting the value you paid for from the membership? I'd like to know.
Some members are obviously more engaged in the process of achieving freedom than others. We raised the membership fee to what it is today to attract people who are more serious and more likely to be actively involved in achieving something notable in their lives.
With that in mind, let's do a quick review. The first thing on your list as a new member is to review our video 'STRATEGIC PLANNING' which hits you in the face when you land on the 'HOME BASE' members page when you log in. The primary instruction from this important session is to;
#1. make a list of your priorities
#2. match those priorities with the resources you can draw from the club.
#3. combine the two and reduce it to a written plan with benchmarks and a timetable and possibly even a budget.
#4. put the written plan into a binder with tabs for the different categories of activities you'll be working on and start filling your binder with progress, notes, timetables, supporting info and references, etc.
#5. start interacting with other members to help you reach your goals.
#6. get private consulting when needed.
Read any book on war planning, battle planning, business planning, career planning or talk to any life coach or sports coach and one thing they all have in common is...
....without a plan, you've already lost before you've begun.
So that raises the 'elephant in the room' question...
... What's your plan?
If you'd like to review it with me and get some input, I'd be happy to entertain that idea with you. As a club, we're here to work together. If you fail to take advantage of that, then you've missed the point entirely from the very beginning and you will have to work harder on your own to get the best value possible from your membership. I hate to tell you this, it might be a fly in the ointment... but it's UP TO YOU!
So here's the latest....