Your Checklist
1. Planning. Have you developed a serious and detailed plan for your life, with options for contingencies? What is the 'End Game' for you? Are you making regular progress, step by step?
2. PT Strategies. As a part of serious planning, developing a PT strategy to have a landing pad in another area of refuge could be critical.
3. Finances. It's hard to implement a plan of any kind without proper finances to underwrite the project. You know about our Grant program. You might want to review that and giving serious thought to making a commitment on that. We'll be starting a dedicated training program on that almost immediately which will provide support and structure for daily activity and success. Watch for the next update later this week for details.
4. Disappear in plain sight. What have you done to get off of as many databases as possible? See the video workshops: PRIVATE TRAVELLER and LEGAL STATUS CORRECTION - PRACTICAL MATTERS.
5. Asset protection. As a part of disappearing in plain sight you must get assets out of your name. Learning to work through trusts is an obvious choice. Plenty of information is available to Constitutional Commando and Global Entrepreneur members in Advanced Training and Service Modules both in the main menu and in the forum.
6. Debt elimination: You know about our mortgage elimination program. Are you taking advantage of it? We also have the means to eliminate unsecured debt such as credit cards, student loans, etc. We haven't really discussed that much yet, but we have specialists with a proven track record of 100% success rates on such matters. Get rid of your debt to free up cash flow for other things you really need!
7. Get rid of the IRS. Have you positioned yourself properly so that the only contact you need with the IRS is an annual Christmas card? (optional)
8. Cash Flow. Get rid of your job and corporate, or government paycheck. See #3 above. Plus, we have a very special opportunity coming up which is a highly successful internet business franchise which is basically a 'plug and play' program like nothing I've ever seen. Info coming on that soon.
9. Get Practical. My personal position is that all of the above are practical matters which will greatly impact your life in a positive way much greater than achieving so called 'secured creditor' status which I see so many people chasing their tails on. You might disagree, but what good are 'papers' going to do when you've wasted time and energy doing all that, you're still broke, don't have a plan, didn't disappear when you had the chance and the FEMA bus or Russian soldiers come knocking at your door?
Again, if this seems far fetched to you, you are not well informed. Spend some time with Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show, or or the Hagman & Hagman Report among others. Also, keep up with the articles on our Blog Page on the website.
10. Get out of Banking and go International Anyone who is in the process of accomplishing the above and planning for peace, security and longevity, needs to be planning to move up to the Global Entrepreneur membership level. This is a no brainer. If you haven't been through the due diligence video series. That would be the first step in getting your arms around the concepts and structure involved.
If it were me, I'd be working like hell to create economic independence, getting off the databases and setting up my PT status like, NOW! Everything else is 'clutter' and time and money wasters. Of course I've already done all those things and I'm hoping to teach anyone who will listen.
So, are you making the most of the resources at your disposal in the law club? I would venture to say that most are not. It would be a shame to waste this opportunity while the sun is still shining! Did Noah wait until the rain to start building his boat?
Let's fine tune this checklist with further discussion in the forum.
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow may never come. All you have is 'Today'. What are you doing with it?
I hope this helps.
Mark |