Subject: This Week in the Lighthouse

  This Week in the Lighthouse

Hi Friend,

The world is evolving.... Are you? 
Here's what we have this week...   
New Training

I have just uploaded a whole new series of video training courses for our Constitutional Commando members.  Titles include; 

- Judge admits in court case - the bank never loaned you money!

- Killing you.  It's all by consent! 

- U.S. Government Assigns your DNA Rights. 

- Acquiescence and Birth Certificate Trust & Biological and Chemical Testing 

- Counter Offer and Private Rights

- Roadmap to Freedom Class 

- How to stop forced chemo and forced vaccines by claiming.... 

And there's more to come.  Look for links to these and more in the Constitutional Commandos Members Forum > Member News > Important News > UCL Video Library

Come Out of Babylon - Part II

Fresh out of the oven, just uploaded 3 AM last night.  Don't ever accuse me of not burning the midnight oil!  

Seeking Cooperation

If you live in Australia or the U.K. or any country other than the USA, I'd like to hear from you.  I'd like to discuss a proposal to lend some possible input into our strategic planning for an important project.  Please reply to this email so we can connect and discuss. 

Those are the highlights for this week.  I hope you're on track in achieving your goals. 

Just a reminder to invite your open minded associates and colleagues to our Wednesday evening conference calls.  Last week was quite lively and informative.  Get your piece of the Member Bonus Pool for your referrals to the Constitutional Commandos membership.

Learn!  Live!  Be Free! 


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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