Subject: This Week in the Lighthouse

  This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,

I hope you’re doing well and advancing in your goals.   Lots to cover this week so let’s get started…
Legal Status Correction

Most every member who is with us has, as one of their top priorities, legal status correction and, as we call it, ‘Settle all Claims’.  You may not be aware that Ken Dost has done everything necessary to walk through the door of the U.S. Treasury  and accomplish exactly that.  He has delayed the final culmination of this process for the simple reason that he knows that once he does, he’ll be obligated to be ‘silent’ and fade away into the night.
Instead of thinking only for himself, he has delayed this culmination of process for the sole reason that he wants to teach and leave some well qualified disciples in his trail to carry the torch of knowledge.
It doesn’t get any better than that folks!  Our PathFinder member Woody has been kind enough and ambitious enough to transcribe what Ken used as a declaration of status and made it available for us.  Woody has also put together some of the more important recorded presentations he could find and all of that is available for you in the forum.  I encourage members to start digesting this information, applying it, sharing your experience and exchanging ideas in the forum.  That’s what we’re all here for, isn’t it?
More Information on Property Tax

Another member who has taken the lead on an important issue is John  Schiavone on property taxes who is in the  ‘IRS & All Taxes’ study group.   The new item for this week is a detailed 38 page research paper on the law as it relates to property taxes in Florida.  This treatise was put together by a guy who has successfully removed his property from the tax roles which John has confirmed in public records. 
I recommend you download this research document, print it and keep it on your bookshelf  for reference. 
I would suggest that this study group and all members take this information and do a little research of your own, using this as a guide and reference, and find the appropriate code to adapt it for your own state. 
Constitutional Commando members will find this document in MEMBERS AREA > BOOKS TO DOWNLOAD > IRS & TAXES IN GENERAL section.

More on Tax and Mortgage Foreclosure

I’d like to just send a reminder of the help that’s available to people currently in foreclosure or who have ever been a victim of foreclosure in the past.   We are supporting the National Liberty Alliance in their efforts to provide assistance for folks to get their issues into court and hold the crooks and judges accountable.  Everything you need to know is found in the latest video ‘Run Bankers Run III – The Swarm’
NLA is not charging a fee, but is accepting donations to help offset considerable costs involved.  The Lighthouse Law Club has sent over $750 to help pay it forward for those who can’t.  But please do your part, whatever you can do if you are participating in the program
Study Groups

Many members have graciously volunteered previously to participate in a study group.  By volunteering, you are committing to spending at least a little time to work with your fellow group members, devise a plan of attack on what your group wants to do, and then do it. 
If we intend on accomplishing what we are capable of, then each group member needs to take this commitment seriously. 
In an effort to help all members coordinate and communicate, the volunteers for each group and their contact information are now posted in each respective section of the forum.   We hope that this will help facilitate communication, keep the lists current and help those and all members to keep advancing on their respective topics of focus.
Please honor your commitment to your fellow members and let’s see some productive activity and results  in the forum.
Member Bonus Pool
So far this month we have 7 new CC members and the bonus pool currently stands at $1400.  At the moment, one member stands to claim it all having made a single referral himself if he ends up the sole qualifier.  Are you interested in claiming your share?  See what you can do.   If you have any questions on how this works, you can review the complete details on the ‘MASTERMIND GROUP’  page of the web site in the C.C. section.
And note:  PathFinder members are also able to participate in the pool by referring C.C. members.

Lastly, I want to share something with you which I find very valuable.    I have spent a fair amount of time seeking spiritual enrichment and guidance in all that I do and I have benefited greatly from one YouTube channel in particular called ‘Love Letters from Jesus’. 
The messages are very poignant and relate directly to current day events.  I encourage you to spend a little time there and see if it connects with you.
I hope you can benefit from these as much as I do.
Have a Holy and meaningful Easter!

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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