This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,
(This was intended to go out last Friday and for some reason it ended up in my 'Drafts' folder, not sent. So here we'll try again. Better late than never!)
I'm a bit off my game this week being in the middle of a move and it's always more than you think it's going to be. To top it off, my current internet service provider doesn't have service to my mountaintop hideaway so there goes the easy solutions. Now there will be a delay in getting service as I search other available options and then wait for installation. So if you've been waiting to hear from me for any reason and haven't, my apologies. It's catch (a signal) as catch can right now.
Nonetheless, I have some powerful information for you this week...
| New Conference Call Schedule
I'm finding most people need a little boost in different areas and it's time we get back to a regular schedule on the conference calls. We have so much top notch information we need to get into it a little more deeply.
So here's what I think will work well for us;
The First Monday of the Month: Focus - Privacy, Asset Protection & the Business Trust. This will include banking, finance, doing business, estate planning, how to operate in this realm and related info. When this discussion terminates, we'll open the floor to any topic you like.
The Second Monday of the Month: Focus - Courts & Courtroom Procedure. Yes, I know we want to stay out but it doesn't always work that way. And don't say that 'you're not the type of person who ends up in court'. If that's what you think, then you simply don't understand the world we live in. The boys and girls in badges are commissioned to 'drum up business'. Just like a fisherman casts out his net to see what he gets, they do exactly the same and you are just as vulnerable as anyone! When this discussion terminates, we'll open the floor to any topic you like.
The Third Monday of the Month: Focus - Legal Status Correction. We'll be discussing the teachings of Patrick Devine, Ken Dost and others and advance our knowledge together. When this discussion terminates, we'll open the floor to any topic you like.
The Fourth Monday of the Month: Focus - Everything 'Digital Nomad', 'Perpetual Traveller' and 'breaking free'. When this discussion terminates, we'll open the floor to any topic you like.
Now, one caveat... I may not yet have internet service this coming Monday. If I don't and someone else would like to host the call, Skype me because I do get skype on my cell phone signal and I'll get sigal long enough to get you set up as host. If there are no takers, then we'll just have to wait for the following Monday. I'll announce it one way or the other on Monday so you know. I can get signal for short periods in various other places.
By the way, I know some of you tried getting on the last call and were told that the meeting was over. This was a technical glitch. We found it and fixed it so it should not happen again. Sorry for your frustration on that.
| | |  | What do you do when you're arrested?
Well, there is much to discuss on that issue and we will on the new conference calls, but in the meantime I have a couple of gems for you to consider:
I've created a new folder in Advanced Training Libraries title 'When you are arrested'.
I was reading through my personal library and found a couple of gems I'd like to share with you.
1) An arrest is presumed to be false if....
2) Intervention - Challenge the law by demanding certification .
Each one is only a few pages and a quick read. Look them over and let me know your thoughts.
Here's the link.
That's it for now. I'm working on a couple of fantastic projects as soon as I get more time. I would love to see some of our originally formed study groups start getting some traction. I know a few of you made some valiant efforts to get your group organized to little avail. Perhaps now is a better time.
I have a lot more I'd like to say but now is not the time.
Hope to speak with you soon!
Watch for the announcement on the conference call Monday.
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