This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,
This year is already 'whizzing by'! Only 276 days until Christmas, are you ready? At this rate, it'll be here soon!
This week I've got some powerful information for you on how to catch crooked judges receiving bribes and get them running for cover after they recuse themselves from your case!
| Checkmate Sucker!
I told you about the webinar Janet Phalen put on last weeked. I attended and have the full scoop for you.
Janet is an experienced journalist from California and believe it or not, she's encountered a corrupt judge or two out there! Can you imagine? Who'd a thunk it?
Anyway, from her sleuthing she's uncovered at least one secret method from which judges receive their 'payola'.
I probably don't need to spell out the possibilities of what could be done with this kind of information.
What I've done is I created one single document which contains;
- a detailed and insightful article she's written on the subject
- a link to a video of the webinar last week which I recorded, in case you missed it.
- the two supporting documents she referenced in the webinar are also included here.
I hope you're never in a position to need this. But if you are... Let's 'Hang 'em High!'
Or perhaps if you're involved in a common law grand jury, or local law club, this could make for some interesting 'research projects' !? What do you think? Honestly, I think it's civic duty for members of the community to perhaps do this and evaluate some of the highest, most entrenched judges in your county and state.
Are you up to it? If not, find someone who is! We can all help Predient Trump 'drain the swamp' and it starts at home!
Click Here for the full scoop.
| | Contractual Business Trusts
Due to the lively and active interaction on this week's members conference call, we never got to this subject matter as we had planned. We'll earmark it for the next session. In the meantime, I know there are a couple of posts in the forum I need to respond to there, where you can join in. And if you missed it last time, here is an excellent article on this subject to brush up on your understanding. You'll find extensive materials on this subject in our Advanced Training Libraries section.
| | Don't Miss This!
Whether you're involved in our Digital Nomad training or not, whatever your situation is, I'm telling you don't want to miss out on this opportunity. Do your own research. Enough said. Click here for more and watch the short video. You can register right on this page for a free account. The early movers get the biggest benefits!
| |  | Problem Solving & Private Consultations
As you acknowledged when you joined, the Lighthouse Law Club is a self study, self help program. I'm not a lawyer, cannot give legal advice and don't pretend to do so. Unfortunately, many of us have legal issues which we need help on. If you find yourself in this situation, here is your plan of attack:
1. If you find yourself in court already and cannot 'nip it in the bud' with an administrative process, in advance, then you need the training course HOW TO WIN IN COURT WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY. You can cram this course in about 2 days and you'll be glad you did!
2. If you find yourself in a foreclosure situation and need extra help, we have expert third party consultants who know their stuff and can take the attack to the fraudsters. Check out our resources in the Advanced Training Libraries and then, ask me for a referral. Be prepared to pay up to $1500 to our third party specialists to help you go on the attack and sue for damages which could likely be in the millions! $1500 is peanuts compared to your other options in the legal realm which won't get you any of the results you need. In this case, you will also be needing the course mentioned in #1 because you will be the one cracking the whip!
3. New Consitutional Commando members are entitled to 2 sessions with me, up to 1 hour each, which are included in their membership on anything you want to discuss. This is only to use me as a sounding board based on my personal insights and experience, not for advice.
4. Any issues you have with membership, technical issues, or brief questions we can help you with, please create a ticket with the new 'Help' system you'll find on the web page. Using this system will avoid the problem of 'buried emails' which we can miss.
5. And you always have our Skype Support Group for a quick chat, quick question. If you're not on Skype, or in our support group, see last week's bulletin.
6. Beyond the situations mentioned above, if you still need help and want to speak with me on serious or detailed issues, please review the Private Consultations procedure which you can find in the Members Forum > Advanced Training & Service Modules > Private Consultations. My time is extremely limited with all that I'm involved so please take this process seriously.
Thanks in advance. |
| | Well, I thought this was going to be a short one, but I guess not. There's always so much to discuss. Just like in my videos, I've vowed to do shorter videos and they always 'start out that way'.... Oh well... So that's it for this week. Have a great weekend and keep me posted on your successes!
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