This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,
We have some incoming bombshells this week and plenty of them!
Take Cover and Pay Attention! Be sure to read to the end. Don't skip or's ALL important!
| | Re: The way it was and ought to be!
I recently came upon an historical artifact which just fell into my lap and it's a genuine treasure! A school textbook from 1875 entitled 'Civil Government'. This book reveals what they were actually teaching the kids in the public schools at the time and it's NOTHING like what our kids are being taught today! Imagine that.
It's amazing how God just dropped this historical specimen into my lap out of the blue. When I started reading it, it was clear why HE did and what I was supposed to do with it. In an effort to preserve this precious and timeless history I wanted to share it with the world. If you haven't seen it already, just this week I published a video on the subject, sharing just a very small part of the contents in the video with my comments.
And if that weren't enough of a miracle, subsequent to posting the video in YouTube, one of our subscribers posted a link in the comments which leads us directly to a complete copy of the very same text book which was professionally scanned in it's entirety! I think 'someone' wants this information out there!~
| | Membership Bonus Pool - February
Since we announced the new Membership Bonus Pool in January, during the month of February, we have welcomed 9 new Constitutional Commando members and about 15 PathFinders all without any specific efforts for promotion or advertising.
The 9 new 'Commandos' have contributed a total of $1,800 to the monthly pool for the month ($200 ea.) Since all of the new members were referred by Admin, nobody earned the bonus. Make a note here. In this instance, had only 1 member (Commando OR Pathfinder) made only '1' Commando referral, that referring member would have captured the entire $1800 bonus pool!
Let me guess, an extra $1800 for you this month is probably no big shakes! OK. But for anyone else who could use a boost, you know what to do!
Every new member fills out our online questionnaire and the final question is: 'Who referred you?'. Make it clear to your referrals to put your name there.
Membership is very personal and specialized, thus it's not the type of thing where you throw out a broad net just to see what you can snag. It requires more of a professional, consultative approach which requires a little more personal contact from you and this gives you more of a 'hands on' control of the situation. If you want to notify us of anticipated referrals coming in based on your conversations with them, please create a support 'ticket' from the 'Help' tab on the website and you can notify us that way and it's on record.
Any further questions, review the details on how this works review the 'Mastermind Group' page on the website under the Constitutional Commandos section.
Reminder, both Commando members and Pathfinder members may earn the bonus! But the referred 'Commando' members are the ones which count toward the bonus pool.
O.K. You know what to do! |
| | Resuming Web Conferences
Reminder that our members only Web Conferences will resume next Monday, which is the first Monday of the month. Watch your email Monday afternoon for details to be delivered to you closer to the time. Be sure to listen to the Ken Dost presentation below before the conference. We'll be discussing it.
| | Contractual Business Trusts
From the level of member activity (or lack thereof) that I see in this arena, this subject matter seems to be neglected by many. It is one which deserves much more attention than many members are giving it. This is surely one of the most valuable benefits available to us. Therefore, I'll have some comments on this and would welcome any discussion on it, during Monday's conference call. In the meantime, you can do a quick read on an excellent article on this subject to brush up on your understanding. This article just shared by Bill G. one of our long time members. You'll find extensive materials on this subject in our Advanced Training Libraries section.
| | 'THE Solution'?
Many of you are already familiar with Ken Dost. I was sent this Blog Talk radio show link which he says is the last public show he'll be doing. By the sounds of it, in his words, he has successfully 'walked down that hallway', and 'passed through the door' and, having listened to this show on how he has mastered the copyrights issue in commerce. He has apparently gotten to the point of flipping from debtor to creditor and all which goes with that. Without getting into the details, it's worth taking the time to listen to (it's a long talk).
I have shared this with the study groups and I feel strongly that this is a track that would solve most problems many of us have:
IRS Court Property Taxes Traffic Tickets Criminal Charges Foreclosure actions Mortgages ...etc.
So try to listen intently to what Ken's talking about in this Blog Talk discussion and perhaps we should discuss it further on Monday. Take notes for reference and discussion. Thanks to member M. Hendry for bringing this forward!
| | Impromptu Interview with Off Grid Nation
Tommy from Off Grid Nation had come across some of our videos and liked what he saw enough to want to share it with his 13,000 YouTube subscribers. He rang me up on Skype and we did an impromptu interview which he made available as a video to his followers. He was particularly interested in the IRS Tax issue and we discussed that. If you care to see me in my work uniform which is my most favorite 15 year old T-shirt, this is your chance! I thought that would be 'a propos' for his 'off grid' audience. Click Here
| | Are you using Skype?
Many of our members are still not using Skype. This is a mistake. I hope you are not one of them. We accomplish a lot using Skype as a very important communications tool and if you are not in our support groups in Skype, you are being left behind. That's all there is to it. We have groups in Skype for;
- the law club,
- the Digital Nomad internet business training
- CryptoCurrencies: OneCoin and iPro Network
- Patrick Devine students
- and personal support from me and Tam.
This is a call to be sure 'You' are plugged in and getting the most out of the resources available to you.
Here is a video tutorial (one of many you can find on YouTube) on how to use it. Click Here.
But basically, just go to, download the program, set it up and go! It's simple to use. Once you are set up, add me to your contact list. My Skype name is 'donrex' listed as Mark Emery in Panama. I'll then add you to the appropriate groups.
|  | Are you 'Engaged'?
To refresh your memory on the 'Vision' of the law club, it was not created simply as a 'repository' of information to be used like a library. Lord knows there's enough of that on the internet and we don't need to re-invent the wheel!
There's only one purpose for the Lighthouse Law Club and I invite you to review the videos on the 'Base Camp' page when you log in to the members area. That purpose is for all of us to share our knowledge and experiences in order to determine the best, most effective routes to take to accomplish our objectives which, in the end, all arrive at 'freedom'!
And 'No' not everything is laid out all nice and neat and tidy and presented to you in a box with a bow! Much of what we want to accomplish requires that we 'work' together to take 'raw', 'ragged' and perhaps scattered information and put it together in a way which makes sense and is 'doable'. That's where the 'work' comes in and that's where our individual responsibility as club members rises to the surface.
Of course, if we are not actively 'engaged' in pursuing our goals and applying the information we have and what we are learning, there is no experience to share and our purpose is defeated before we start.
We all become 'leaders' by doing little more than setting an example for others. Creating your own success instills hope and confidence in others and perhaps paves the way for others to follow.
With that in mind, I encourage you to double down on your efforts to:
- Make your own strategic plan based on your priorities
- Break it down into manageable segments on a timeline
- Start executing your plan using the resources we have available with the cooperation and help from other members on our team who can help you. This was the idea of the study groups.
- Be involved on the members forum and the conference calls as your place to get help and share your experiences.
- Be a living testimonial on what can be done with some determination and effort with a little help!
Honestly, if we can't do that, then surely we have to ask the question: 'what are we doing here?' I hope this helps us to re-commit ourselves to achieving the freedom that we all deserve.
Food for thought.
| | So that's it for this week. Go check out the new info and I hope to speak with you on Monday's call.
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