This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,
Well, the Christmas season is upon us. Can you believe it? I can't. As always, a lot is happening. I hope you're keeping up!
Here's what's happening this week....
| Help with a Review!
By now you know about the new Law Club App. It seems to be working fine in most cases on most phones, which means it's not 100% in all situations. But we'll take a 96% successful download rate. It does require a version of Android 4.1 or newer and iOS system 7.0 or newer.
If we can get this going viral you can imagine the 'synergy' we will create for the law club by attracting knowledgeable and capable people from all corners. As you recall from the 'Vision' video on the members 'Base Camp' page, this has been our intent all along...'Synergy'!
You can help spread freedom. It's our 'Duty'!
First, If you haven't done so already, please download it and share the news with all of the contacts on your Android or iPhone.
Secondly, if nothing else, you can give us your rating and write a review!
Why do you think people from all over the world need to learn how to defend freedom and their personal rights and start pushing back against the tyrants of the NWO? That's exactly why they need this app and the law club! It's free! Help them!
"The only thing evil needs to succeed is for good men to do 'nothing'!"
Here's the link to give a rating and write a review; ... for iPhone users: Click Here
Note: If you are already on your phone, you can also download directly from the links above.
Santa sent a message to me via one of his elves. He said he's going to be extremely busy this season and he wanted me to deliver one of your Christmas presents 'early'! Lucky You! Check out whats 'New' in the Books to Download section. It's a treasure trove of info that surely you'll be wanting to 'dig into' during this holiday season when you have the time. It's a surprise so you'll have to go and open it up to see what it is. I'm sure it'll fit perfectly and you'll love it!
By the way, have you had a chance to start digging into last week's addition to the Advanced Training Libraries? Power to the people and the defenders of the peace! That is some 'serious, serious stuff'!
I hope you're looking forward to 2017 as being a year to be Truly Empowered!
We have some great things cooking in the kitchen. Be sure to be alert and ready to sit down when dinner is called! You won't want to miss what's coming!
Yours in freedom,
P.S. We want to make sure you don't miss these important announcements below so they are repeated again from the previous newsletter. Be sure to review them. |
|  | Admin Corner
- Be sure to be aware of the new membership plans being offered and in particular, the Monthly Bonus Pool! Help us grow the club, spread freedom and solve peoples' problems and you could be solving some financial issues for yourself in doing so! To review again, Click Here
- New Benefit! In response to members requesting a more 'step by step' approach to digesting our voluminous cache of knowledge, you will start receiving a special weekly email as a member of the Path Finders group. This will take you through a sequence of putting down the essential elements of the foundation of your plan one step at a time and building from there. Watch for those emails and I hope you can benefit.
- If you are paying dues monthly via PayPal, you're welcome to continue doing so. But please be sure to keep your PayPal balance sufficient to avoid 'missed' or 'failed' payments. Due to a very high level of admin headaches with this, we now have a zero tolerance policy on missed payments. If it happens even once, the monthly payment profile will be cancelled and we'll ask you for 6 or 12 months (with discount) to be prepaid to continue your membership. Thanks in advance for your help and understanding on this.
The Special Offer below applies only to members in good standing and will not be applied to problematic accounts.
Friend You've been a good member and we want to reward you for your loyalty and continued support. So if you help us with this issue I'd like to reward you with a 25% discount. You will pre-pay the $25 monthly dues for 12 full months of membership benefits and only pay for 9 months. That's only $225 for the entire year ahead and be done with it! You'll save $75 and get 3 months free! Then we can all focus on what's important...Your freedom, peace and security!
That'll be good for you, good for us and Tam will love you for it by helping him focus on providing true member support rather than dealing with the headaches of missed payments, blocking access for delinquent members, having to get them compliant, then unblocking them, dealing with skype, mailing lists and well, it's just a nightmare the way it is and is unsustainable.
Please help us out. To take advantage and help move us forward, Click HereFinances Not So Good?
If you're having any trouble at all with finances right now, we'll even help you with that. We have a very realistic plan to help you generate a residual income of $500 a day or more within the next 30 days. No sales, no recruiting, no mlm, no advertising, no investment. If that appeals to you, for more information, Click Here You're in the right place at the right time. Take advantage of it!
Have a great week!