This Week in the Lighthouse
Hi Friend,
I hope you are engaged in using the law club resources to help you acheive your goals as they relate to securing life, liberty and property! We are living in historic times and if you participated in our call Monday, you know that we each have a responsibility to push forward and push back evil. There's no better place to congregate, learn and energize in that regard, than right here in the law club!
Here's what's happening this week....
This week a very powerful message was conveyed via the visions and prophecy of Mark Taylor. We discussed what that means to us and how the fact that we are here now, at this time, in the law club and with other activities we are all a part of a huge movement being directed by the hand of God himself. We each have a personal responsibility to use the tools and knowledge being brought to us, not only for personal benefit, but for the benefit of all as we fight the principalities of darkness!
We have them on the run and we need to push harder!
The replay link is posted in the forum along with a link to the video we watched.
I hope to see you next Monday when we'll finally get into detailed discussion on THE COMMERCIAL LIEN PROCESS!
Newest item just added this week:
Self Defense & Survival Section: - Conquer the Unknown without maps or GPS.
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 | What's New in 'Advanced Training Libraries'
#1...Banking There is a new 'Banking' folder in the 'Contractual Business Organization' library. I have some comments on this I'll add in the forum. Look for it. Thanks to our new member Michael A. and also Bill G. for providing us with this valuable info.
#2... Commercial Liens. There is a completely new 'Library' created on, and entitled, 'Commercial Liens'. There is some fantastic work represented here. I strongly urge everyone to start studying this material and get up to speed on this powerful research.
#3...Spiritual Renewal. In these dark and difficult days, we all need hope and encouragement and to get ourselves in proper alignment with universal law (God). If you are not making a daily visit to the 'Spiritual Renewal' library you are really missing out on some vitally important news, information and enlightenment which could help bring harmony in your life!
Be sure to make a regular visit and have some quiet time to contemplate the messages being brought to us here.
A big 'Thanks' to our member Dr. Three Rivers for bringing this to us and maintaining these files for us.
#4...Non-UCC Claims - Call Transcripts. We are keeping up on the Patrick Devine weekly calls with improved and enhanced written transcripts of the calls which you'll find in that library. You can keep up with developments there quickly and easily with a quick read of these transcripts. You will most surely benefit.
Our dedicated member 'Misty' is working diligently to keep us up to date on these and keeping our files current on this. She could probably use a little relief once in awhile if anyone would care to assist her in this valuable work. The transcripts are already done, we just clean them up and make a better read out of them. Just let me know.
Thank you Misty! We appreciate you so much!
| | Serious Admin Headaches!
Despite our notices and urgings for members to keep their PayPal accounts in good order to avoid skipped or missed dues payments, it seems the headaches are only increasing and not decreasing! Tam is going absolutely bonkers in support trying to manage this and it's a serious time burner which needs to stop. Therefore, we're moving into a new phase with the law club very soon. We'll be making a major announcement for new members and a paradigm shift for new members joining. But that doesn't affect you.
What we need you to do is to make a one time, 12 month dues pre-payment and we're going to give you an incentive to do so. So here's our...
Friend You've been a good member and we want to reward you for your loyalty and continued support. So if you help us with this issue I'd like to reward you with a 25% discount. You will pre-pay the $25 monthly dues for 12 full months of membership benefits and only pay for 9 months. That's only $225 for the entire year ahead and be done with it! You'll save $75 and get 3 months free! Then we can all focus on what's important...Your freedom, peace and security!
That'll be good for you, good for us and Tam will love you for it by helping him focus on providing true member support rather than dealing with the headaches of missed payments, blocking access for delinquent members, having to get them compliant, then unblocking them, dealing with skype, mailing lists and well, it's just a nightmare the way it is and is unsustainable.
Please help us out. To take advantage and help move us forward, Click HereFinances Not So Good?
If you're having any trouble at all with finances right now, we'll even help you with that. We have a very realistic plan to help you generate a residual income of $500 a day or more within the next 30 days. No sales, no recruiting, no mlm, no advertising, no investment. If that appeals to you, for more information, Click Here Well, that's about enough for one newsletter, don't you think?
You're in the right place at the right time.
Take advantage of it!
Peace! Out!