Theaters of Operation
In response to member requests to organize the members area a little better, in a more logical sequence and to provide more of a 'step by step' process for people to follow, you'll find the following changes and upgrades as a result of your input in the member satisfaction questionnaire.
Menu: The menu has been restructured and some new items added
Asset Protection. New page
Business Banking & Finance. New page
Debt Elimination. New page
International: Business & Lifestyle Oppty's. New page
Most pages now offer more of a step by step guide with direct
links and references to the relevant resources i.e. other pages,
videos, documents, libraries so that from the initial page you get an
overview of the pertinent material we have available and where to find
it. |
Pathfinders Program
You have already received Issue #1 of the weekly Pathfinders training series. Many of our members have requested a more structured approach to digesting the mountains of material we have. As a 'Full Member' (Constitutional Commando) you obviously get the same benefits of our introductory membership we're now calling the Pathfinders program. If any of this is new to you, just visit the 'Mastermind Group' page on the website and you'll see the new membership structure offering 2 Mastermind Group options for new members to consider. You'll be receiving 1 new training session per week. You might want to save these in a special folder in your email program. I hope you can benefit.
New Study Groups
As a reminder, we're asking you and each member to join a study group. Each group will dig deep into a particular subject matter and focus on that issue. We discussed this in the previous email so I won't rehash everything here. The key is: It's NOT about what you know. It's about what you WANT TO KNOW and you'll be collaborating with other members to explore the subject matter in various ways. This will be the focus of our weekly web conferences. Remember, this is a 'club' and not an entertainment channel which you just watch passively like TV. We all need to contribute. If you haven't done so already, here's the link to select the group you'd like to work with. I'm waiting for you to do this before we resume the weekly conference calls. I will start out leading each group until we sort things out and each group can then be more self directed as we mature in this process.
Our Own Private Credit Union
This is the blockbuster announcement of the entire year right up front and it's only January 5th. The wheels are turning to enable us to create our own private Non-Bank Financial Institution (look it up). The goal is to have it up and running before the end of March if not much sooner. This will be a private facility available only to members and will offer some fantastic benefits. See some more details below.
Global Entrepreneurs
This is a brand new level of membership which allows you to take your success on the home front and leverage it many times over in the international arena. You'll find a simple explanatory new page found under 'Membership' in the main home page navigation bar menu. Here's a private listed video link with a 17 minute introduction. To help you qualify and be able to maximize the benefit you would get from this powerful program, see the box below....
 | Cash Flow, Cash Flow, Cash Flow
You know very well I harp on this subject all day long every day. Many of our members ignore me which is their prerogative. And most of those are the same members who are broke. Go figure. There might be some synchronicity in that. Anyway, we're going to get serious about this subject this year. I've neglected it quite frankly. Whether you need to see success in one of the programs you're already involved in, or if you have your own ideas of what you want to do, or maybe need to come up with some idea that suits you better, it doesn't matter. I'll be doing a new, special web conference call on Thursday night every week to coach you to success and we'll be covering the gamut on how to build a successful internet business from scratch on a budget, no matter what it is you want to do. To participate in this FREE TRAINING PROGRAM, you must be on our list for http://internettycoon.gr8.com If you're already getting the 'My Internet Empire' emails, you're all set. If not, sign up on the link above to get the announcements on when we start in a week or so.
The NWO wants us broke financially and spiritually. We give the glory to God for our prosperity right now and then all we have to do is go make it happen. This is our way to fight so many evils right here and now and be a light and an example for others. Are you up to it?
Duplicatable Landing Page
Did you see the new landing page we have for the law club? If not, Click Here and have a look. You know about the new 'Bonus Pool' we've outlined on the Mastermind Group page right? Maybe you'd like a landing page just like this to start building your own list for many things including referring members to the law club to get a piece of that Bonus Pool! Just sayin'....
Membership Renewals
Please do not let the new membership structure confuse you if you are soon coming up for renewal of your membership. Your renewal dues will remain at the same level that you came in at. Members renewing in the next couple of months are grandfathered at the level they are currently at. This is your reward for sticking with us as we've gone through our growing pains this past year and we want to reward your loyalty! We're at the end of the runway and about to take off. You can't bail out now! Any questions, contact Tam in support: lighthouse.lawclub@gmail.com
So that's what I've been doing over the holidays, how about you?
With all this going on all I can do is urge you to 'activate' the power cells in your brain and 'engage' in conquering new territory for yourself this year. If you don't, it won't be because you didn't have the opportunity to do just that, right here at the Lighthouse!
Many Blessings!
P.S. Please give a review of the new App below and help us get the word out!
Help with a Review!
By now you know about the new Law Club App. It seems to be working fine in most cases on most phones, which means it's not 100% in all situations. But we'll take a 96% successful download rate. It does require a version of Android 4.1 or newer and iOS system 7.0 or newer.
If we can get this going viral you can imagine the 'synergy' we will create for the law club by attracting knowledgeable and capable people from all corners. As you recall from the 'Vision' video on the members 'Base Camp' page, this has been our intent all along...'Synergy'!
You can help spread freedom. It's our 'Duty'!
First, If you haven't done so already, please download it and share the news with all of the contacts on your Android or iPhone.
Secondly, if nothing else, you can give us your rating and write a review!
Why do you think people from all over the world need to learn how to defend freedom and their personal rights and start pushing back against the tyrants of the NWO? That's exactly why they need this app and the law club! It's free! Help them!
"The only thing evil needs to succeed is for good men to do 'nothing'!"
Here's the link to give a rating and write a review; ... for iPhone users: Click Here
Note: If you are already on your phone, you can also download directly from the links above.