Subject: They're making their move

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
Panama City, Panama
Hello Friend,

I have some very important information for you today which you need to know.  Please stick with me to the end. 
Before we get too serious you might be interested in a little nostalgia.  Running through my archives I found this  clip of a couple of segments of the 10 o'clock news on Denver Channel 9 circa 1993.  The 'I-Team' investigators discuss various Patriot court cases and bring the Patriot movement's concerns and issues to the public eye.  You might see a familiar face in                                                                      the second segment. 

HUMAN DNA COMBINED WITH CHIMPANZEE DNA. In a vaccine coming your way soon. Excited?

Do you know what a Chimera is?  Look it up.  Experiments have already been successful creating a 'human-pig' by mixing the DNA of two organisms to create a single 'hybrid'.  I cannot imagine a more grotesque abomination of God's creation.  

Find out what they have planned for your soon to come vaccinations! 
Hint:  They include lung tissue from  a 14 week old (min.)  aborted baby and DNA from chimpanzees!  Get in line! 
On Tuesday Nov. 17th Pastor Dana Coverstone discusses; 

- U.K. MPs discussing the requirement to have the vaccine to be able to go back to work. 
- New Lockdowns coming for the next body blow to the global economy.  
- Thanksgiving & Christmas cancelled due to the fear mongering of a fake pandemic. 

Very good prophetic word  you will benefit from.  Click Here
ALARMING Prophetic Dream: Trump & The Supreme Court!

We included this inspirational and motivational clip in our worship service Saturday in case you missed it.  This will get you out of your chair!  Listen to Danielle from Sheepsong Ministries
In 1775 the greatest global empire projecting its power upon the world was the Crown under King George.  It was defeated by the Continental Army which was made up of a rag-tag bunch of farmers and freedom loving Americans who refused to follow military protocols of the day which, for the Kingsmen, was to wear bright red jackets, march in groups and fire from a single line of soldiers after sounding the bugle.   The rag tags had none of that and said 'to hell with military protocols!'.  They hid under bridges, fired from behind rocks and trees and used unconventional methods to spring upon and defeat a much superior military force. 

We find ourselves in the very same position today.  The enemy now controls the seats of power.  But they don't 'yet' control the people.  Americans must resort again to unconventional methods to root out the un-American enemy which seeks to destroy us from within.  

Are you OK with tyrants wanting to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas, the two most celebrated traditions in America?  Are you OK with governors wanting to force you to wear masks inside your own home like Pennsylvania's democrat governor Tom Wolf wants to do?    Rise up Pennsylvania, for crying out loud! 

Are you ready to be required to have the vaccine (see above) to be able to work, to travel, to shop, to go to school?  This is all coming if we don't stop it now! 

Be a volunteer in your area for the N.A.T.F.  There are many functions that are needed.   We need to build up our own 'Continental Army' of volunteers to help save our country! 

See how you might be able to help or be helped!  We need to work together! 

A Call to Action

The N.A.T.F. wants to create strength through synergy and collaboration as we (you, us and others) come together with various groups across the land.  Rick Martin and the Constitutional Law Group is one such group.  

Rick already has the plan and documents laid out so that you, and all concerned Americans can rise up and hold unlawful, tyrannical government officials accountable.  

Here's what you do: 

1.  Go to the website at: and watch the introductory video

2.  Click on the 'Resources' page
3.  Find the Affidavit for your state.  Personalize it.  Send it to the appropriate parties.  If your state is not listed, use the 'Master Affidavit' #5 and modify it as required.  For help in fine tuning any affidavit, send the draft to Donna Rex for review and proofreading.

4. Use the 'NOTICE TO ACT', personalize it and modify it as required and send it to your local Sheriff.

5.  Share this email!  

6.  Do you belong to a group or association or network of patriots?  Let's talk and see how we can collaborate!   See:

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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