Subject: There is actually some GREAT News!

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
Panama City, Panama
Hello Friend,

After watching the fallout from yesterday's events in Washington D.C. all I could see from every angle were; lies, deceit, twisted facts and treason.  It was an overwhelming feeling of despair.  Not only was the usual source of lies, the MSM, in full glory putting out a false narrative which was extremely detrimental, but 'so called' conservative voices were also shallowly deceived and parroting false information.   More than just 'bad information' was the culprit.  What I saw was outright gutless, cowardly treason by the very people who should have been standing for the republic.  But apparently, as always,  personal political futures were more important than the fate of the country and its people.  I hope they think about that when the noose is finally tied around their necks! 

Yes, you heard me.  Justice is coming!  

You may be aware of the video known as #ItalyDidIt!  by Maria Zack who discloses how, in addition to all the democratic minions operating at ground zero to execute 'the plan', an Italian defense contractor, with the aid of the USA Consulate in Italy and the CIA were actually involved in changing votes in real time to favor China aka 'the Biden campaign'.   The world must see this video and get the message.

And more importantly, four prophetic voices have a most dramatic, certain and uplifting message to share with us that, as dark as these days may seem, as unreliable, weak and corrupt as our fellow man has shown themselves to be,  God is still in charge and we are urged to get our cake and start celebrating now, early, because 'we ain't seen nothin' yet'!   The victory is ours!  This video is long at 90 minutes but you'll be glad you watched it and it will certainly lift your spirits and give you HOPE & FAITH that we have not been abandoned!  Don't miss this.  Four Prophetic Voices Speak Victory! 

Whatever you do, watch these videos this weekend.  You'll be glad you did!  And be sure to share them far and wide! 

We are called to be 'THE LIGHT' of this world.   Join us tomorrow Saturday at 10 AM EST for an important Sabbath service.  We have a very important message to share with you tomorrow.  

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When: Saturday Jan 9, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Topic: World Mission Church: 'We are the Light'

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