Hi Friend,
Lisa, the Patriot Princess from Minnesota will be a guest on the Glenn Beck radio show tomorrow. 10:34 AM ET. Tune in if you can!
We're exposing fraud and corruption in the courts and state offices of Minnesota in ways that must have them shaking in their boots. This is not about one woman and one restaurant. This is about the fraudulent and treasonous operation of an entire state criminal enterprise! We're taking it to the jury! It's being exposed by the Grace of God!
Please follow, support and share.
You can support Lisa at her GofundMe page: www.standforlibertymn.com =========
Lisa's Updates: Pretrial on the criminal cases was held November 24th. I restated All constitutional and statutory legal issues already on the record. The court refused to make determinations. Determinations are required by law. Mn. Criminal Rules 12.01, 12.02, and 12.03. Jury trial was scheduled for December 6th in spite of the fact the court made no determination on the multitude of legal issues. The court has still made no determinations.
Judge has committed multiple due process violations. I’ve petitioned the courts for his disqualification and have been denied.
No authority by Governor of Mn to enact law. No authority by executive branch to enforce emergency orders.
No authority by city attorney to prosecute anything but enacted law. Governor’s mandate is NOT enacted law.
I could go on but this gives you a small sampling of Legal Issues.
Please see the my Legal Issues document as attachment in a subsequent email I will send. Also, see Motions in Limine filed on the court by the state requesting order to prohibit constitutional law to be brought into the courtroom. (See #7 in attachment subsequent email.)
Including the civil case against me I have been charged with fines in excess of $37,000
The state stole my food and beverage handling license.
For the alleged criminal charges I am looking at up to 810 days in jail and or $9,000 in fines.
My Resturant has sadly been closed since February 9, 2021. We will be moving out of our building which we lease from the city who no longer wants to rent to us. No legitimate reason given. We were excellent tenants and always paid our bills for 7 1/2 years. The state and the city of Albert Lea have destroyed one of their own. https://www.glennbeck.com/radio/
We're exposing fraud and corruption in the courts of Minnesota in ways that must have them shaking in their boots. This is not about one woman and one restaurant. This is about the fraudulent and treasonous operation of an entire state legal machinery! It's being exposed by the Grace of God! Please follow, support and share.
You can support Lisa at her GofundMe channel:
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