Subject: Taxes Study Group

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Study Group
Hi Friend,

Thanks for volunteering for this group.  You likely selected more than one group and we've tried to distribute participation so that each group is approximately the same size which is a small and manageable group of 4-8 typically. 

So let's start you out in this group and in some time, if you feel you have more time  to contribute to another group, you can add to your activity if you like.  Don't worry, you'll be fully informed of what's going on in other groups.

So here's what we should be thinking about and doing this week; 

1... I'll set up a special category for this group in the Members Forum.  We can share information there for the benefit of other members.  You'll also be able to see and contribute to other groups using this medium. 

2... We can use the Lighthouse Law Club Skype group for all groups and member interaction which will spur discussion and comments from others not in the group. Be sure you're in that support group on Skype and we can have some real time reactions, conversations and feedback.

3... I'll be sending you the list of your fellow group members shortly.  This way you'll be able to contact them directly and coordinate on various things.

4...This week let's do this -  write up a brief report to be given to the rest of us next week which will include your own personal analysis of the following three things;

a)  your analysis of what information we have currently available in the club on this subject matter.  This will force you to look hard and be familiar with what we already have and can use. 

b)  give us a quick review of your own personal knowledge and experience, if you've done anything already with other groups, etc. if you have any.  Don't worry if you don't.  We'd just like to know of other peoples' experience 'if any'. 

c)  tell us, in your opinion, what we need to do to put together a more complete educational package and process which people can use for practical benefit.  That's what we're after. 

We'll pick it up and go from there next week. 

Thanks so much and I expect to talk with you next week on the call. 

Mark Emery

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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