Subject: Stand Now...or Kiss It Goodbye!

Hello Friend, 

By now you should be very clear on the globalists’ plan which is out in the open. To refresh your memory let’s review real quick;

- PCR Covid tests are rigged to get maximum false positive results.
- Maximum false positive results creates fear in the public
- Fear in the public is the pretext to impose unlawful ‘lockdowns’.
- Unlawful lockdowns destroys the global economy.
- A destroyed global economy creates the circumstances to bring in ‘universal basic income’
- To survive you need UBI as your only source of economic support.
- To get UBI and a bailout check with forgiveness of all debts in ‘The Great Reset’ you must     agree to forfeit all claims to private property now and into the future.
- Additionally, to get UBI you need to get ‘vaccinated’ to avoid being a ‘Threat to Society’.
- Threats to society (resisters)  will be rounded up and if you know your bible you can take it from there.

The world is ‘Never’ going back to normal the way it was a year ago without massive human and divine intervention, . Every freedom loving child of God needs to stand up and take action now to stop this plan, or you will basically be complicit in the destruction of your children’s future and perhaps even their soul.

Here’s what is required of everyone (including you!);

Educate yourself and help inform others (everyone you know). Share this email. Start here with these invaluable resources:  Take the time!  Nothing is more important!

500 Doctors Tell Trump to End the Lockdown

2. Arm yourself with the legal knowledge and documentation to defend your right to go into the public without a mask, to enter businesses without a mask, to open your business in the face of illegal mandates, join up with others to band together to defend our God given rights to live free without government interference. 

You can do this starting with the resources found being offered by THE NATIONAL ACTION TASK FORCE Resources to Fight Covid Tyranny page and the >Resources > Keep your business open page.

3. Become a local volunteer to represent or support the N.A.T.F. see the options found on the ‘Join’ page

4. Follow the lead of Rick Martin and the Constitutional Law Group found at Click on ‘Resources’ and find the Affidavit of Complaint for your state. If your state is not listed use the template and fashion one for your own state. 

Get it filed and put the governor, commissioner of health and related parties on notice with a time fuse to reply or they agree with the averments and admit their crimes. Follow the instructions carefully. It’s simple and anyone can do this. Everyone ‘should’ be doing this to put your servants on notice that further lockdowns due to a fake emergency is NOT ACCEPTABLE! 

5. If you live in New Jersey the governor there is already on the hot seat and New Jersey inhabitants need to get the AFFIDAVIT OF FORMAL COMPLAINT, item #8 on the list, sent in to the local sheriff. This needs to be done ‘en masse’ so the Sheriff feels the pressure.  We are calling the Sheriff to arrest the governor.  Read the document.

6. On a spiritual level, be sure to see the message from World Mission Church entitled ‘IT’S TIME TO RISE’;]

Remember: Freedom is not Free! It comes at a price. Pay the price now, or lose it forever! That’s our reality.

Blessings for your peace, safety and FREEDOM!

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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