Subject: Special Update

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Hi Friend

I hope things are going well for you.   This is a follow up to my last email with some notable developments.

As previously discussed, the agreement with Avitance on the Pasterra Project was confirmed and the transfer made.  That has been concluded.  I'll know better what to expect on timing issues after our next meeting with the CEO of TouchPoint Communications which will probably happen within 2 weeks. 

On another very important note, see my comments below....
As you know, I'm doing everything possible to get us back into distribution mode.  I've just been introduced to something which is a dream come true and it could surely help you in a big way.   It's too good not to share with you and  it wouldn't be right for me not let you take a look anyway. 

 It's a trading program that anyone can do, no experience needed and no knowledge required. and it only take 8 minutes a day! The profits are consistent and substantial (to say the least). If you don't have much in the way of funds to deposit into a trading account, we can help you solve that too, so don't shut down just because of that. Ask for details.

If you're looking for better results in the financial arena take some time to investigate. You have everything to gain. Click Here for Details.

You don't need to be an affiliate to be a very successful trader.   But if you are inclined for that....

...Timing is of the essence for business opportunity seekers because we are currently in 'Pre-Launch' which means that you and your referrals can sign up for free and pre-position yourselves before the big Launch!  This is your opportunity to get 'First Mover Advantage'.  If you do nothing else, at least investigate it thoroughly because this could be (I believe it is) the best opportunity of a lifetime.  

MMG Financial Services LLC
PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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