Hello Friend,
Now that the Leftists think they have control (sorry for them but God is in control!) , decent, honest, patriotic people who love their country are under a full court press of persecution, retribution and retaliation by the minions of 'Mordor' and the 'Cancel Culture'. It's 'Game On'.
Ignore this reality at your own peril.
You need to be fully armed and prepared to deal with the enemy (or just surrender and face the consequences).
Tonight we'll go into a deep dive on how to go on the offensive and fight back when your rights have been violated and you've been damaged in any way. You'll learn how to bring a case with a complaint, try the facts and the law, settle the amount of damages and get confessions and consent from the offending party all without having to step foot in a courtroom. This is common law in action. You don't want to miss this critical session!
Everyone is invited! Share with your friends!
Topic: NATF Training: How to Stand Up to Rights Violators
Time: Jan 28, 2021 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Every week on Thu, until Feb 18, 2021, 4 occurrence(s)
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