Subject: Special Alert. Friend it's time to get results

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Special Alert
For Cash Flow in 2017
Hi Friend,

You've been receiving the emails for 'My Internet Empire' and been a part of that group and this is the reason for my contact with you today.

I know that in today's world, we are all distracted in so many ways that it's hard to focus and if we can't focus, we don't get the results we need or deserve.

I'm serious about your success this year and if you are, we need to get busy, focused and serious about moving forward in accomplishing your goals.

Let's face it, freedom is elusive without good cash flow.  If you let me, I'll help you get your cash flow moving in a positive direction in a big way.

I'm prepared to do live training in a web conference setting on Thursday evenings every week to coach you each step of the way.  I'll take you step by step in building a list, generating a core group to work with, how and where to promote your business on a budget and much more.   And as a group, we'll do it together.

Before I commit to that though, I'd like to know if you are committed to participate and make things happen and do what it takes to 'be free'. 

If you would like to do this, just reply to this email.  Change the subject to 'Yes'.  That's all you need.

If I get enough interest and committment to succeed from you and other members, we'll do this and make it happen for you this year.  I'll get  back to you with more details. 

Let me know if you are ready for success and are willing to make the committment.


Mark Emery

PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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