Rick Martin and The Constitutional Law Group
Rick and his team have the New Jersey governor in a pickle whereby he has admitted crimes and violations of his oath etc. We are now in a position to require the local Sheriff to do his duty and make the necessary arrests which he has already verbally promised to do. However, after this promise was made personally to Rick, he is dragging his feet, surely after talking to the corporate bar members involved he is feeling pressure.
He has been served a notice of support (or else) just today. We're asking you and everyone concerned about law and order in this land to send a simple letter to the Sheriff and drop it in the mail tomorrow if at all possible.
Here's what you do:
Click on the Resource page
Click on #18 NOTICE TO ACT which is a template to send to your own local Sheriff.
Then you might take the text below and fashion it into a letter to send to Sheriff Golden in New Jersey. Just modify it to make it personal to you.
Here's the letter:
Notice to Act
November 18th, 2020
Sheriff Shaun E. Golden
2500 Kozloski Road
Freehold, New Jersey 07728
Dear Sheriff Golden,
As a matter of law and principal it may not have come to your attention to act upon your duties and responsibilities to the people of New Jersey. I feel it is my responsibility to bring to your attention your sworn oath of office and the Constitution. As an elected executive officer it is your sworn duty to execute all provisions in accordance to the United States Constitution and the New Jersey Constitution. Please allow me to bring to your attention the gravity and seriousness of the violations of trust perpetrated by certain public servants in government that fall within your jurisdiction that have unlawfully been ignored and given free reign to violate the rights of We the People without consent or consideration to the rule of law. Under your watch, public servants have been unlawfully permitted without repercussions to terrorize, violate and harm the people of New Jersey.
It is my purpose and desire to bring these crimes to your attention, Sheriff Golden, so that you may act and use the authority delegated to you by We the People to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law all those violating the trust and the welfare for political and financial gain against the people of New Jersey. It is our desire with regard to our own self preservation and yours that you will act upon your sworn oath and duty to We the People and facilitate the lawful arrest of those public servants acting in violation of the public trust and their oaths of office that are acting contrary to the rule of law. It is the people of New Jersey and my wish that not only you stand up and come to the aid and rescue of the people being systematically terrorized by those of assumed power. It is your sworn duty to protect your citizenry from enemies both foreign and domestic. It is further demanded without reservation that you, Sheriff Golden, act with your delegated executive power to protect and defend the rights of the people of New Jersey.
The Constitution is a contract between We the People and the government, that contract is limiting. Public servants were only delegated and I repeat delegated. We the people never gave up our sovereignty. We the people elected public servants to adhere to that contract. The constitution is a contract that you yourself swore an oath to uphold between We the People and God that has consequences both in this lifetime and the next. Those that violate that oath and that contract are subject to arrest and prosecution under the fullest extent the law will allow. It is our desire and hope that you Sheriff Golden will hold all those violators who knowingly and willingly betrayed the trust of the American people accountable for their crimes not only against freedom but the American people.
Sheriff Golden, you have at your disposal a population of supporters that will defend you against any and all allegations of misconduct that may arise from fulfilling your duty as Sheriff and oath of office. We the people need a man of honor and a man of courage to stand and defend the rights of the people of New Jersey. We selected you to be Sheriff because we believe that you’re a man of honor and courage. Please, Sheriff Golden uphold our trust and faith that you are a Sheriff of honor and a man of action by holding all public servants accountable for their crimes against the Constitution and citizenry of New Jersey.
Sheriff Golden, we and the Constitution have provided you remedy to perform not just as our public servant but as a national hero. We will adore you as our sheriff and better support you as our governor because you duly recognize your oath of office and your commitment to the citizenry of New Jersey. To all the affidavits provided to you that are binding by law and subject to your address and response It is my request that you respond to this notice within 72 hours of its delivery. If you refuse to respond We the People can only consider your non compliance as an act of dishonor and a betrayal of our public trust and we will release all documents forwarded to you for media and public consumption.
Your friend in honor,